Ch. 6: The Evening Sun Illuminating Feelings

As if trying to wrap me up in his arms, Kihel held me gently.

(He’s so warm.)

The strain on my heart was unraveling, and my vision became blurred by tears.

In that moment, the words Kihel had said echoed in my mind.


Kihel: “OO, don’t make that face. We’re finally on a date and all… right?”


I carved Kihel’s feelings onto my heart, and did my best to give him a smile.

OO: “You’re right Kihel. It’s support enough just having someone else at your side.”

(All day, I didn’t know to what extent I had to go to save Kihel.)

Since the Dream Eaters had started appearing in the Dream World again, I hadn’t been able to dispel the despair over my heart…-.

Even still, when I spent time with Kihel, it was strange, but it felt like the burden of those feelings lessened a little.

OO: “Thank you Kihel.”

Kihel: “You’re quite welcome!”

I was charmed by his sunny disposition, and my smile naturally deepened.


Kihel suddenly looked up at the setting sun and his expression clouded over.

OO: “What’s wrong?”

Kihel: “Ah, nothing. Just thinkin’ we ought to get to sleep soon~…- I wasn’t really able to make you laugh today.”

As the sinking sun shone on us, Kihel held my face in his hands.

Warmth and kindness wove together in his expression, and it felt as if a weight pressed down on my chest.

Ch. 7: Requesting Your Smile

The moon replaced the sun, and night settled on the world.

Soft lantern light colored the onsen village, wrapping it all in an air of wonder.

Kihel: “OO, are you sure you don’t need to sleep yet?”

OO: “Yeah, since you wanted to do this Kihel.”

(I’m the only one who was getting cheered up.)

Kihel: “Just don’t push yourself, okay?”

OO: “I’m fine. Anyway, I said I’d do anything, remember?”

I gave him a mischievous little smile, and Kihel broke into a grin in response.

Kihel: “In that case, I still get to have you all to myself! Alrighty! Let’s enjoy what time we have left with all we’ve got!”

The streets were completely silent, and Kihel’s cheerful voice echoed around us.

Perhaps it was because of the uproar with the Dream Eaters, but it looked like everywhere had closed up shop early.

Kihel: “Ahaha. Looks like we’re literally the only ones around. Probably.”

OO: “Yeah… but what should we do?”

As I tilted my head, Kihel did the exact opposite and smiled brightly.

Kihel: “Leave it to me! I’ll bring you somewhere good.”

OO: “Somewhere good?”

Kihel: “It’s a secret. But I think you’ll really like it OO! Probably!”

(Probably… he seems pretty confident about it though.)

Despite Kihel’s usual catchphrase, I giggled.

As soon as I looked up, I met Kihel’s deep gaze.

Kihel: “……”

A warmth was flowing freely from that gaze, and my heart fluttered pleasantly…-.


The warm night wind caressed my cheeks.

Kihel had brought us to a spring nestled at the base of the mountain.

Kihel: “I heard this is an onsen too. Neat, right?”

OO: “You’re right… it’s really pretty.”

The unobscured moonlight shone on the surface of the water, shimmering a deep blue.

(It’s the same color as Kihel’s eyes…)

I gazed at the water for a while, and Kihel nervously peered into my expression.

Kihel: “Well? Do you like it?”

Then, my gaze was filled with the beauty of the deep blue of Kihel’s eyes.

My heart leaped at how close he was, and I tried to calm it down…

OO: “Yeah, you were right.”

Kihel: “Yes! I’ll have to thank that old man!”

OO: “Huh?”

Kihel: “Hehe, the truth is…-.”

Kihel put his hands on his hips and puffed out his chest, a prideful smile on his face.

Kihel: “He asked if I knew where to go for couples to guarantee their happiness, and he told me about this onsen to go to at night.”

OO: “! Couples…-.”

Kihel: “I don’t think we’ll get a chance like this again. …probably?”

Different from his usual, innocent smile, I was captivated by Kihel’s more mature smile.


I stood there, unable to look away from his eyes, and I was seeing the seriousness in his expression…-.

Kihel: “…you feel indebted to me. But if you didn’t feel that, I wondered how you would smile at me. That’s what I want to see…”

His voice gradually grew quieter, and I didn’t quite catch the end as it was snatched up by the sounds of the night wind.

Kihel looked away, trying to hide the slight flush that had come across his face.

Ch. 8: The Treasure You Gave Me

The moon hung in the night sky, emitting a magical pale light.

 Kihel: “…you feel indebted to me. But if you didn’t feel that, I wondered how you would smile at me. That’s what I want to see…”

Kihel looked embarrassed, but it told me that these were his true feelings.


I felt a tingling sensation spread through my chest.

But in the next instant, a different emotion grew inside me and drowned out the other…-.

OO: “Kihel… you really are amazing. You’re just too nice…”

(Kihel’s been through so much, and yet…- he’s thinking of those around him… he’s thinking of me.)

I was moved by his limitless warmth, and I couldn’t get out any words.

Kihel: “OO…?”

Kihel gently placed his hand on my shoulder and looked at me with concern.

There was no hatred or resentment in those clear eyes, just kindness sparkling in their depths.

(I can’t just smile and forget about everything.)

However, the words Kihel had unabashedly given me had made me so happy…-.

OO: “…thank you Kihel!”

I wanted to return his feelings, so I gave him a true smile from the heart.

Kihel: “! OO…”

Kihel seemed surprised, but his deep blue eyes continued to watch me.

(Was that too sudden…?)

I was concerned he might he troubled by it, but then…

This time, Kihel’s smile blossomed beneath the light of the moon.

Kihel: “You’re really cute when you smile!”

OO: “! That’s…-.”

I was embarrassed by the straight-forward response, and I felt my cheeks heat up.

Kihel: “That’s how it is.”

Kihel smiled and laughed, then suddenly his gaze turned towards the night sky.

The moon had begun its descent across the clear night sky, and the time when the sun would replace it drew nearer.

Kihel: “…we’ll have to go back to being a prince and princess soon.”

OO: “…yeah.”

We exchanged a sorrowful look.

Kihel: “The moon is beautiful… It shines just like the moon from Atlas. Father… and everyone… even now, they’re under this light…-.”

His feelings that flowed out drifted on the night wind, carried up to the stars in the sky.

I looked at Kihel’s profile, and his usual brightness was hidden beneath a shadow…-.

(No matter how many kind words I give him, in the end…-.)

It was only natural that unbearable thoughts swirled and coiled around my heart.

OO: “I’m sorry…”

(Just about everything is because they didn’t receive dreams.)

I wanted to ease his pain, even just a little, as I touched his arm.

Kihel jumped in surprise, and he looked away from the sky and back to me…-.

Kihel: “Don’t look so sad OO.”

He spoke quietly as if to sooth me, and gently stroked my head.

OO: “Kihel…”

Kihel: “Ah… I guess I’m the one that made you look like that huh.”

Kihel’s smile this time was pained and troubled as he shrugged slightly.

My chest tightened now as I felt the gentle warmth from the palm of his hand.

OO: “Me too… I want to see you laugh too Kihel.”

(But with Atlas, I only just learned of it.. and there’s nothing I can do.)

I was overwhelmed with a sense of worthlessness, and I bit my lip.

Kihel: “…well, this is a problem. Looks like I’m pretty weak to that expression when you pull it.”

Kihel slid his fingers over my cheek and gave a miserable smile.

Kihel: “Speaking plainly, I’m anxious about it all too. Before now, I had absolutely no idea what would happen. I wondered about what would happen if I hadn’t been able to join you.”

OO: “……!”

The possibility of that happening pierced straight through to my heart, the pain running through me.

All my attention went to my heart breaking, but I desperately endured it…

Kihel: “Hey, Hime-chan. Can I tell you something?”

His voice was so soft, yet still kind, and it wrapped around me.

Kihel: “Even if our paths differ, these feelings right now… How I love you, that won’t change. Your warmth, and your beautiful smile. And how right now, your heart is grieving for me… I’ll never forget that affection.”

I carefully stored each and every one of Kihel’s words in my heart.

OO: “I won’t forget either, right now… your kindness and strength Kihel.”

(Even if we happen to part, this moment right here connects us together. I truly believe that.)

Those strong feelings filled me, and I looked straight into Kihel’s eyes.

OO: “It’s a promise…-.”

Kihel: “Yeah, definitely.”

We gazed deep into each other’s eyes, burning the image of the other into our memory.

Overhead, as if to split the sky, a single shooting star streaked across the sky.