Ch. 1: Secret Onsen Date

This story takes place slightly after the Moon Road disappeared and we all fell into Kaiten…

When Kihel and I had a brief but very precious moment together…-.


Kaiten, the Land of Onsen, where only people in need could come and heal themselves…-.

During our escape from Trukville, we unexpectedly stepped into this country.

Nayuta: “Oh, it’s you?”

Per Nayuta’s advice, once he was aware of our situation, our group took some time to rest…

But the truths we had learned in Trukville continued to spin in my head and I couldn’t get away from them.

One morning, while I was alone and lost in thought…-.

Kihel: “…I’m so bored.”

Kihel was spread out on his back on the tatami mat, looking up at the ceiling as he muttered to himself.

OO: “What?”

Kihel: “I’m just so booored~ It’s just eat and sleep, eat and sleep, eat and sleep… this is the first time I’ve ever visited an onsen but I’m just stuck inside the whole time. It’s such a waste!”

Kihel popped up and looked around the room, though we were the only two there.

Kihel: “Let’s make our escape… this is our chance to sightsee!”

OO: “W-we can’t Kihel. We have to make sure we rest… Both Navi and Avi said so, right?”

Kihel: “But I’m fine now. Probably.”

OO: “Probably…”

(It’s true that his complexion is looking better, but…)

I couldn’t forget his exhaustion after the ordeal we had faced, so I just couldn’t help but worry.

(He used so much of his power to stop Adam.)

I watched him intently to be certain, then suddenly Kihel smiled in a cat-like grin.

Kihel: “You’re gonna make me feel all bashful, staring at me like that.”

OO: “…! I was just wondering how you were feeling.”

Kihel: “Ahaha, thanks. I really do feel all better, so don’t worry! Ah, but…-. Maybe if Hime-chan goes out with me, I’ll feel even better?”

Kihel stared back at me, his eyes brimming with hope.

Kihel: “Hey. How about we go on a date?”

Kihel shot me a friendly yet dazzling smile as he held his hand out to me.

(A date…)

Though I was confused, his smile was just too bright…

As if that light was drawing me in, I took Kihel’s hand.

Ch. 2: A Promise of Anything

The milky-white steam swayed to and fro in the air, carrying the gentle scent of the hot water through the town.

Kihel’s eyes darted around, taking everything in with great interest as we walked through town.

Kihel: “Ah! Over there! They’re selling steamed buns. They look so good!”

OO: “Those are onsen steamed buns.”

Kihel: “What’s that? I’ve never heard of it! Let’s eat one together Hime-chan!”

Kihel pulled me along as he headed for the shop, his steps energetic.

(He really does look better.)

I felt myself relax in relief at seeing him act that way, but…-.


Kihel: “…I’m the only one left. Everyone else in Atlas has fallen asleep.” 


I remembered his earnest voice from then, and I couldn’t help the pain in my chest.

(It became like that because dreams sent from Traumere weren’t reaching Atlas… Just because I didn’t know… doesn’t mean I can let it go on.)

Kihe’s touch was gentle, but…-.

I looked down at our joined hands and let out a heavy sigh.


Kihel: “Hi~me-chan? What’s wrong? Stomachache?”

Kihel suddenly stopped and worriedly peered into my face.

OO: “Just thinking about something…”

Kihel: “I see… thinking…”

Kihel also seemed to be deep in thought about something then, but afterwards…

Kihel: “While we’re on a date, I want you to only think about me!”

Suddenly, a smile bloomed on his face.

OO: “No, nothing like that…-.”

(But I can’t really say it’s nothing at all…)

As if not knowing what to do, Kihel patted my shoulder as if trying to cheer me up.

Kihel: “Ahaha, I guess it wasn’t a good idea to force us to go out like this. Sorry. I just thought it’d be super fun~ to walk around the town with you Hime-chan!”

Though his smile was carefree, a dull pain spread through my chest.


Kihel: “I want you… to somehow awaken the people important to me.”


(And yet he can still smile so brightly…)

I was certain that even now, Kihel was burdened with unfathomable agony and distress.

(I want to help Kihel. I want to grant his wish.)

In a flash, that feeling swelled in my heart and, before I even realized it, the words were pouring out.

OO: “Kihel…”

Kihel: “Hm?”

OO: “If there’s anything I can do, I’ll do it.”

Kihel: “Eh?”


Kihel’s eyes went wide as he looked at me blankly.

Kihel: “You’ll do… anything for me?”

OO: “Y-yeah.”

Kihel: “Really really?”

His clear eyes were right in front of me, and without thinking I panicked slightly.

OO: “Um… really really!”

Kihel: “… ‘anything’ from Hime-chan…-.”

As Kihel repeated it, emphasizing that particular point, I felt my impatience hit its peak…-.

OO: “P-probably?”

In the next instant, Kihel’s catchphrase came out of my mouth.

I hurriedly covered my mouth with my hand, but Kihel let out an amused laugh.

Kihel: “Haha, Hime-chan, you’re just too cute! In that case, I’ll take you up on your offer!”

Kihel flashed a smile, then ran off into the crowded street with a spring in his step.

His soft, golden hair fluttered as he ran, casting a beautiful light.

Ch. 3: Let's Be Normal People

After Kihel and I enjoyed the onsen steamed buns…-.

We walked together down a small path that wove its way between the onsen.

Kihel: “Look Hime-chan! There’s a cat under that tree! And it has two tails! It must be a bakeneko! Probably.”

OO: “K-Kihel, watch where you’re going or…-.”

As soon as I said it…-.

Kihel: “Uwaa!”

Kihel slipped on the wet path and fell backwards into the water.

The huge splash echoed around us, and the spray rose high into the air.

OO: “Kihel!”

Kihel: “……”

Still on his back in the shallow onsen, Kihel blinked in a daze.

But in the next instant…-.

Kihel: “Ahaha, that was super scary~!”

Kihel stood, laughing, and I…

OO: “Are you hurt?”

Kihel: “It just hurts a little! But there’s a warmth too, so I guess that’s good?”

He pushed back his bangs, which were dripping with water, then smiled to reassure me.

OO: “That’s my line…”

Kihel: “Yeah, you’re right! My bad for saying it instead!”

Kihel wrung out his clothes with a bitter smile.

OO: “You got soaked… are you alright?”

Kihel: “Yeah. It was shallow, so I’ll probably dry off while we walk. But I’m just glad you’re alright. If I’d pulled you down, Big Bro [Avi] would have cut off my head. Probably!”


I was caught up in the way Kihel smiled, completely nonchalant, and found myself laughing too.

We were laughing together when an elderly man called out to us as he passed by.

Elder: “You’re quite energetic young man. But did you come here for some kind of healing?”

Kihel: “Yeah, but I’m all better now. What did you come here for, Mister? Back pain?”

Elder: “Well, I…-.”

 Even though they’d just met, Kihel and the old man spoke easily.

At Kihel’s sincere smile, the man seemed to have completely opened up to him.

(Now that I think about… this is always how it is in every country we visit. No matter who they are, everyone opens their heart to Kihel.)

Though he carried the burden of pain and suffering, Kihel always smiled more brightly than anyone.

(He’s amazing. I wish I was more like that…-.)

I was impressed by his refined strength, then…

Kihel: “He~y, Hime-chan. Did you hear?”

OO: “!”

Kihel was waving his hand in front of my face.

OO: “Ah, sorry. What?”

Kihel: “This guy just told me about a great onsen! Since we’re here, how about we go check it out?”

OO: “Right now…”

In the next instant, I felt something tugging at my heart.

(We can’t really afford to be too relaxed given what’s going on…)

Because we’d fallen from the Moon Road, we’d put all of Kaiten in danger.

Nayuta was on alert for us, but the Dream Eaters were appearing too…-.

(And anyway, there are so many things I need to think about. Traumere and Atlas, Trukville…-.)

We also didn’t know why Rufus had tagged along with us.

As I was spiraling in worry, the older man spoke up as if to push me forward.

Elder: “It’s an onsen I recommend for couples, you know?”

OO: “! Couple…-.”

OO: “But we don’t have that kind of relationship…-.”

Kihel: “That’s pretty cruel when you just come out and say it like that. But! I won’t give up. Right now, I want to be a couple with you Hime-chan!”

I frantically looked at Kihel, begging him to help when…

Kihel: “Hmm… Well, we’ll go with that for now! It’s fine, Hime-chan!”

Kihel was exuding charm as he winked at me.

OO: “Wait Kihel. There are things I need to think about…-.”

Kihel: “Hi-me-chan!”

Kihel put both his hands on my shoulders, and I saw a glint of challenge in his eyes.

Kihel: “I’m going to invoke the ‘anything’ you promised me earlier, okay?”

OO: “!”

I gulped in surprise, and Kihel’s expression immediately softened.

Kihel: “For the whole day, we’re not going to think about anything bad! Hime-chan… OO, you and I are just normal people. You’re not a princess, I’m not a prince, we’re just normal people! Okay?”

(Kihel… he was worried about me.)

As soon as I arrived at that conclusion, a warmth spread out from my heart.

OO: “Right, I got it.”

Wanting to treat Kihel’s thoughts as something precious, the two of us continued to spend time together.

Ch. 4: A Warm Place

The place the old man had told us about was a small, reserved onsen deep in the mountains.

Kihel and I sat side-by-side at the connected bath where we dipped our feet in the thick water.

OO: “Kihel, are you really okay with not getting all the way in? I could go wait outside, you know?”

Kihel: “No way. It’s not like I could enjoy myself all alone while I made you wait. If I did that, Navi would scold me. Probably.”

Kihel smiled at his joke, and I…

OO: “You don’t have to hold back because of me.”

Kihel: “I’m not holding back at all. The footbath is plenty…-. And more than anything, just sitting next to you is the best healing solution!”

OO: “Well, if you’re alright with it Kihel… then okay.”

Kihel: “Yeah, let’s recover together! After all, in the end, this is an onsen recommended for couples!”

OO: “!”

Kihel waved his hand in the air, unconcerned, but I felt my heart pound.

Kihel: “Aah~, this feels great… the warmth is spreading up from my feet through my entire body~…”

I watched his profile, completely relaxed, and found myself unable to pull my hand away from his.

Slowly, I surrendered myself to the gentle warmth of Kihel’s body heat and the heat of the onsen.

(Just like Kihel said, just this footbath feels amazing.)

It felt like the warm water wasn’t just relaxing my body, but my heart too, and all the thoughts that had been burdening me seemed to float away.

(I want to ask him, but I can’t ask him…-.)


Kihel: “Hime-chan… OO, you and I are just normal people. You’re not a princess, I’m not a prince, we’re just normal people! Okay?”


(It’s alright, just for now, that we both forget about our positions.)

OO: “…hey, Kihel. Can I ask you something?”

Kihel: “Ask away!”

As I nervously spoke my request, Kihel smiled and urged me on.

OO: “How can I be strong like you?”

Kihel: “Eh, like me…?”

OO: “You’re always smiling brightly no matter what, and that’s not something I can do very easily… …I think it’s amazing.”

Kihel: “……”

Kihel seemed to be contemplating something, and he started making small circles in the water with his feet.

As the surface of the water rippled, the reflected lights started to waver.

Kihel: “…you know that old man? He said he just lost his grandchild.”

OO: “!”

Kihel: “He had it really rough after that, so bad that it looked like his skin was falling off… And then his son couldn’t just watch and do nothing, so they brought the old man to Kaiten.”

OO: “I… see…”

(I had no idea… that man was harboring such sad memories.)

The elderly man had smiled from the bottom of his heart, just like Kihel did.

I had thought it was a nice scene, seeing them together, but now it pressed on my heart.

(But why is he telling me that…?)

As I was about to ask, Kihel tightened the link between our fingers.

OO: “Kihel…?”

I felt a more intense heat than what I’d felt from him before, and immediately my heart began to race.

I couldn’t continue what I had been about to say, so I just continued to look at Kihel’s profile.

Kihel: “…I was just spacing out there for a minute.”

I saw myself reflected in his eyes, which seemed to dissolve into a lake of pure night.

That deep blue was so painfully beautiful that I felt as if they would swallow me whole.

Ch. 5: Someone Supporting Someone Else

The steam lingered in the air above us, dyed red with the setting of the sun.

Kihel and I had returned back to the town after the onsen, and we now leaned on the railing of the bridge as we watched the people coming and going from other onsen.

Kihel: “You know, the people here all have their own injuries.”

OO: “Kihel…?”

His suddenly somber tone made my heart ache, and I watched Kihel.

Kihel: “…I’m not the only one with pain.”

Kihel looked up to where the Twilight Moon Road spanned the sky.

It continued on through the sky to Atlas, his home.

Kihel: “I knew I’d meet you and the others if I left Atlas. And each and every one of them is carrying their own burdens. In secret… in their hearts.”

I placed a hand over my own heart and Kihel quietly closed his eyes.


But as soon as he opened his eyes again…

The thick clouds blotted out the evening sun, and the gleam disappeared from Kihel’s eyes.

Kihel: “Unreasonable anger and hatred… even now those feelings aren’t completely gone from me. Deep in my heart, sometimes they show on my face.”

OO: “…yeah.”

Seeing his face twisted in pain, I…

OO: “I’m sorry…”

Kihel: “Hime-chan, you didn’t do anything wrong. Neither did anyone else. I know that. …It’s just, there are times when it’s so incredibly painful. 

OO: “I think that’s normal.”

Kihel: “…I believe these are feelings I can’t forget, for the sake of everyone who is still asleep.”

Kihel: “But if I talk to someone about it… if someone is there, it’s like that haze of pain melts and vanishes.”

As Kihel looked up to the heavens, the wind blew the clouds out of the way.

The evening sun shone once more in the sky, and a warm light returned to his deep blue eyes.

(I really understand… those feelings.)

I thought back on the memories of the previous journeys and reflected on Kihel’s words when…-.

Kihel: “Ah! Look over there Hime-chan. It’s the old man from earlier.”

The old man was surrounded by other onsen guests, deep in discussion.

Kihel: “He’s kind of famous around here. It’s his daily routine to show different people around.”

OO: “Then, he can spend time with other people…”

Kihel: “And soothe their souls. Probably.”

Kihel turned to look at me, but I didn’t notice when he’d become so serious.

Kihel: “We both have a huge pile of things we need to think about… but it’s all stuff that we don’t know what to do about. So, you know, that’s why…- Let’s do it together, OO.”

His smile illuminated with the red light was so bright, I couldn’t look him in the eye.

OO: “Kihel…”

Kihel: “You’re not alone. Just knowing that can help. …because I’m here to support you.”

At that sentiment, both deep and perfectly clear, my heart trembled.

(Traumere did horrible things to him, so how can he…-.)

I felt myself choking up, and Kihel soothingly wrapped his arms around me.

Kihel: “OO, don’t make that face. We’re finally on a date and all… right?”

While I was entirely wrapped up in his kindness, an earnest desire to keep moving swelled in my heart.

The sun finally sank below the horizon, and the beauty of that fleeting moment was not lost on me.