Ch. 6: Not Just Anyone

The soft light of the paper lantern illuminated the room at night…-.

Having returned from the onsen, Nayuta had showed me to my room and I lay on the futon.

(The day went by so fast.)

When I closed my eyes, I could still see Kihel’s smile when we had parted.


Kihel: “Ahaha, we weren’t really able to just be normal people in the end I guess. Sorry! But I had a really good time. Thanks OO!”


(The day was so busy, but it was kind of nostalgic.)

Loneliness filled my heart, and I ended up unable to sleep…-.

Kihel’s Voice: “Hime-chan, you awake?”

I heard a voice from outside the door and I jolted up, my heart pounding.

(! Kihel?)

I hurriedly opened the door and Kihel stood there, looking apologetic…-.

Kihel: “Sorry, I know it’s late.”

OO: “It’s alright. Is something wrong?”

Kihel: “Well… I just really wanted to see you one more time.”

Kihel smiled awkwardly and scratched at the back of his head.

Just seeing his smile calmed my heart…-.

Kihel: “It’s like, when you’re with someone, and all those uncertain feelings just melt away.”

(He’s right, I feel exactly the same way.)

Kihel: “Hey, would you spend a little more time with me?”

(It’s not just any ‘someone’… I want to be with Kihel too.)

I kept that desire secret in my heart, but I nodded in agreement to Kihel.

Ch. 7: A Promise to You

The night breeze carried the pleasant fragrance of the flowers as it swirled around Kihel and I.

The two of us stood, our hands linked, in a field of flowers near the castle.

Kihel: “Are you cold?”

OO: “No, I’m fine…-. Achoo…!”

Kihel: “Haha, and right after you said you were fine.”

(How embarrassing…)

I turned away to hide my face, all while Kihel chuckled.

Kihel: “Come here?”

Kihel wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me into a close embrace.

A gentle warmth eased my heart, overcoming the feeling of embarrassment.

OO: “…Kihel, you’re warm.”

Kihel: “You’re the warm one OO.”

Kihel hugged me even tighter as I stood in his embrace.

Kihel: “When I saw you in Chocolute, I knew right away. I knew you were an incredibly warm person. No, that’s not it. I’ve known since the moment I first saw you in my dreams…-.”

His voice was lower than usual as he whispered into my ear, the two of us pressed together so close there wasn’t a bit of space between us.

It was as if he was seeking out my warmth, and I felt a lump in my throat.

(When he saw me in his dreams…)

I realized that must have been when Kihel was all alone in Atlas…-.

Thinking of how he’d tracked us down, my heart was thrown into torment again.

(There are so many things I can’t make up to him.)

But at that moment…-.

(Even still… I’ll find the strength to keep moving forward, little by little.)

Nothing could change the burdens we bore; how immense they were or how heavy…

But whenever my heart felt like it would break, Kihel would lend me his gentle strength.


Kihel: “You’re not alone. Just knowing that can help. …because I’m here to support you.”


(Thank you, Kihel. I want to help you… and support you too.)

I looked straight into his deep blue eyes and I turned that feeling in my heart into words.

OO: “…Kihel.”

Kihel: “Hm?”

OO: “I swear, I’ll bring back the people precious to you.”

(This is the most I can do for him. I won’t let Kihel be on his own ever again.)

Kihel: “…… …thank you.”

Kihel fully returned my look, so full of intention and meaning, and accepted it.

After that, he gave me a broad smile and touched our foreheads together.

Kihel: “But you know, I’m even more relaxed now! You can still be OO now, instead of a princess…-.”

As if to interrupt Kihel, I slowly shook my head.

OO: “These feelings aren’t just that of the Princess of Traumere. It’s because I want you to smile Kihel.”

Kihel: “Eh…-.”

Kihel’s eyes opened wide, clearly reflecting the light of the moon.

Kihel: “…oh man, what should I do? That’s so nice I can’t come up with a response.”

As Kihel’s face split into a grin, I could see a faint red coloring on his cheeks.

I found myself captivated by his expression, content and happy in a way I’d never seen before.

Ch. 8: With You, Towards the Light

I couldn’t count how many times our laughter echoed into the night sky, beneath the shining stars…-.

As we sat together in the field of flowers, we exchanged stories about our travels.

Kihel: “Oh? So Big Bro got super scared at the Kenal Castle and he thought I was making fun of him for being from the boonies…?”

OO: “That’s what I heard. Avi seemed bothered by it.”


Kihel: “Ahaha, I bet your kingdom is totally different Big Bro!”

Avi: “…what’s that supposed to mean?”

Kihel: “Huh? Why are you giving me that scary look!?”


Kihel: “No way! There’s no way that look was just him being bothered about it!”

As Kihel insisted on the matter, he emphatically shook his head.

Kihel: “I seriously felt a chill go down my spine. I thought that look was going to freeze me over.”

Kihel wrapped his arms around his body and shivered slightly.

He really did look cold with that gesture, and I couldn’t help the laugh that slipped from me.

Kihel: “……”

OO: “Kihel? What’s wrong?”

Kihel: “…I’m just really glad I made the decision.”

OO: “Huh…?”

His eyes were overflowing with kindness, and I saw my own smile reflected in them.

Kihel: “The truth is, all day, I’ve been wanting to make you laugh! I was pretty enthusiastic about it. But it didn’t go very well during the day.”

Kihel smiled in a troubled way as he shrugged.

OO: “Is that why you asked me to come out?”

Kihel: “Yeah. Because I love your smile OO.”

OO: “!”

Kihel’s words were blunt as usual and went straight to my heart.

A tingling happiness filled my chest.

(Me too…)

Kihel’s smile was like the sun, and it shone on my heart.

(After this too… if his wish comes true, I want to be able to keep looking at his smile.)

I secretly poured that wish into my gaze as I met Kihel’s eyes.

Within the pleasant silence, Kihel spoke up, but in a reserved way.

Kihel: “OO.”

Suddenly, his tone was serious.

Kihel: “Is your promise to do anything for me still valid?”

OO: “…yes, of course it is.”

Kihel: “Then can I make one last request?”

Kihel suddenly stood and held his hand out to me.

Kihel: “…can I hold your hand?”

(My hand…)

We’d held hands multiple times throughout the day though…

But his expression was unusually tense, and I felt a pleasant ache in my chest.

I reached out and took his hand, and Kihel’s expression seemed to relax in relief.

Kihel: “……”

Kihel’s smile was lit up with the distant rays of the rising morning sun.

Kihel: “Hehe, it’s warm.”

OO: “Yeah.”

As we walked together through the flowers, our hands remained firmly linked.

The flowers sparkled with morning dew, as if the stars had fallen from the night sky and landed on their petals.

Kihel: “There’s some anxiety, over whether the morning will ever truly come… but no matter what, the night will fade. No matter how deep the darkness is, or how cold it gets… we can surmount it, as long as there’s someone with us. No, not just anyone. I can do it… because it’s you, OO.”

OO: “Eh…-..”

Kihel: “Probably?”


Though it was Kihel’s usual catchphrase, it felt a little sad.

(Why… does it feel this way?)

I couldn’t come up with an answer as I contemplated it, and I felt frustrated, but…

The warmth from our connected hands led me to have a hunch about the future.

(Even though we’re in the darkness now, there is light ahead somewhere. I’m sure there’s a reason that we met.)

I tightly squeezed his larger hand, and Kihel squeezed back in response.

Kihel: “Right now, it feels like we’re all running around in a maze with no way out. But when I’m with you, I feel like we’ll find the answer. And after struggling, we’ll finally find the light.”

As his golden hair reflected the sun, it fluttered in the morning breeze.

The beautiful light of the dawn rose around us, tinging the sky white.

OO: “Kihel…”

Kihel: “Probably… no, definitely!”

There was no waver in Kihel’s voice, and I felt as if it were pulling me in…

The sun rose into the sky, filling the world with a beautiful light.

(The future we imagine might be the same. …that would be nice if it was.)

No matter what hardship we faced on the road ahead, Kihel’s smile and the warmth of his hand gave me the strength to move forward…

I held that conviction in my heart as the two of us walked towards the dawn.