
Ancula in the Land of Pirates, Month of Rainbow…-

Only the sound of the waves broke the stillness of the late evening as Orion sat in silence on a rocky outcropping. 

“Are you looking at the stars again Orion?” Sarasa, Prince of Lorelai, looked up at him from where he had his elbows resting on the rocks.

“For some reason, I can’t sleep,” Orion explained. “What about you, up so late at night.”

“I couldn’t sleep either,” Sarasa replied, “so I thought we could chat.”

Orion looked out at the waters at that. “There are still ships out, even though it’s late. Be careful the humans don’t see you.”

Sarasa nodded in understanding, then followed Orion’s gaze up to the stars. The spray of the sea sparkled in the moonlight and made his fins shine.

“You really do love the stars, don’t you,” Sarasa said.

“Yeah,” Orion replied. “No matter how many times I see them, I never get tired of this sight.” He smiled then, remembering something. “Now that I think about it,” he continued, “they make me think of her.”

“Do you mean OO?”

“Who else?”

“Haha, that’s fair. I wonder when we’ll be able to see her again.”

At that moment, a streak of light shot across the sky above them.

“Ah!” Sarasa exclaimed, “a shooting star.”

The heavens seemed to be overflowing with stars then, but Orion just stared at them in silence…-.


A single streak of light cut across the black sky…-.

A stardust necklace swung around Ster’s neck as he rode on a shooting star.

“There are so many cries for help…” he said. “Are they all coming from the Land of Stars…?”

There were so many voices making wishes all at the same time that Ster couldn’t differentiate what any of them were saying. As he strained to hear, they only grew in number.

“What on earth is going on?”


Elsewhere at the same time…

A young man pulled his hood lower over his eyes as he walked through the port city that smelled of the sea. 

The town was flooded with light as if to signify just how busy the people who lived there were. 

As Nox stood there, taking in the sites, he heard the sound of approaching footsteps and looked behind him. 

Ruber: “…”

Nox: “Looks like you finally caught up to me.”

Ruber: “I’m pretty sure you let me …what are you thinking?”

Nox: “Haha, it’s been a while so I just wanted to talk for a little bit.” 

His answer was a murmur and he then tilted his head.

Nox: “…by the way, how long are you planning on wearing that mask?”

Ruber: “You’re the one who said it remember? You told me you didn’t want to see my face again.”

His voice carried a certain amount of indifference, after which Ruber put his hand to the mask. 

From under the mask, his eyes were sharp as they fixed pointedly on Nox who simply shrugged.

Nox: “That’s not what I meant. What I meant was I didn’t want you to keep chasing after me. It’s the same meaning, but the way you say it twists the words around you know.”

Ruber: “I don’t want to hear that from you considering you just went and disappeared without saying anything.”

The salty breeze blew around them as the two confronted each other.

Nox: “…hey, Ruber. Do you think we can change our destiny?”

Ruber: “What are you talking about?” 

Nox: “I want to know. If she can move beyond the sorrow that is to come… I wonder if destiny can be changed.”


Going back a few days now…

To Galassia in the Land of Stars…-.

Brilliantly colored strips of paper fluttered in the wind and filled the air with a pleasant sound.

(The weather is so nice. And I can see the stars so beautifully.)

I took a deep breath as I looked up into the blue night sky. Looking down the path, I could see other people with similar smiles as they walked in the same direction.

(I should probably get ready too.)

The air was practically alive with excitement at the yearly Star Festival in Galassia.


The town is full of excited people below the beautiful night sky dotted with shining stars. You think to yourself how glad you are that the sky is so clear for the night. 

You have been invited to the Star Festival celebration in Galassia, and you now walk through the crowded streets among the many stalls with the princes from the Land of Stars: Procyon, Sirius, Vega, Altair, and Deneb.

Vega comments on how Procyon is staying up rather late this year for the festival, which is accented by Procyon being half asleep right then. You know that Procyon had been planning to try his best and go around to every single stall. Procyon mumbles in his sleep something about everyone going together. Sirius comments on how Procyon had been raring to go in the beginning, but he would have to settle for this being his limit. As Sirius adjusts Procyon on his back, Altair suddenly puts his arm out and asks Sirius if he wants to switch. Sirius declines, saying Procyon isn’t that heavy and that he’s so heavily asleep, practically nothing could wake him anyway. Altair acquiesces but tells Sirius to just let him know if he gets tired. 

At the same time as Altair smiles, there’s the sound of a shutter and Deneb proclaiming ‘Nice Shot’. You weren’t sure exactly when Deneb had joined up with the group, but he was there now holding a camera with a mischievous smile. Deneb remarks that the title of that particular photo is going to be ‘Festival with Family’. Altair repeats the title quizzically as he looks at everyone. “I understand who the kids are,” Altair says, “But who’s the father and who’s the mother?” Deneb just laughs and says it doesn’t matter. Sirius wonders how Altair could have asked that with a straight face, to which Vega lets out a laugh as if he’s endured this kind of thing time and again. You can’t help but think everyone looks like they’re having a good time and smile, to which Deneb gets a glint in his eye. Once again there is the sound of a shutter as Deneb proclaims he’s captured your expression. Seeing that, Vega walks up to Deneb and expresses a desire to take a photo. Deneb says he doesn’t mind and teaches Vega how to use the camera.

As the two of them start talking about the camera, you once again find yourself looking around at the beautiful lights and multicolored decorations. You think to yourself that it’s a good thing the festival was able to start without any problems. Galassia is a land divided into eastern and western halves, but once a year the Star Festival is held to allow the people to intermingle freely with each other. 

Altair asks if you’re enjoying yourself, to which you say you are and comment on how you’re glad you could get together with everyone as it’s been a while. However…


Nox: “OO. If you truly wish to change destiny…let’s meet in the Month of Rainbow beneath the stars.”


Your heart pounds as you remember what happened in Saphinia. You remember Nox referring to the stars, but then consider that you might be overthinking things. Your gaze wanders as the uneasiness settles in, and then… you think you see Nox, but in the blink of an eye, he’s disappeared into the crowd. Altair asks you what’s wrong and you quickly respond that it’s nothing and mention how you’re glad the festival is going well. Altair seems to accept that answer and smiles, agreeing with you and wishing the night could go on forever as he looks over at Vega, smiling. Vega then announces he’s taking a photo, pointing the camera at you. As you smile at the lens… everything suddenly gets thrown into a panic. Sirius looks around, and Procyon wakes up to ask what’s going on. Amidst the confusion you see everyone looking up. Following their lead, you turn your eyes to the night sky and find yourself at a loss for words.

“Is that… a comet?” Altair asks.

The blue and white tail of the comet cut across the sky, carrying with it an ominous aura. But there was something far more devastating than that…

“Hey, the stars are disappearing…?” Procyon says, his voice full of distress.

It was just as Procyon had said with over half of the stars in the night sky having vanished, as if swallowed up by the darkness.

Deneb and Vega are at a loss, dismissing the idea that the stars are simply hidden behind the clouds. 

The mysterious comet and the vanishing stars…

This was the beginning of a major event that would rock both the stars and the sea.

Chapter 1

Several days after the comet had appeared…

One of the rooms in the castle on the eastern side of Galassia was bustling. 

One after another, Altair is given report after report of disasters including landslides and flooding. He issues directions and sends aid where he can before finally things calm down and the staff leave. He goes to his desk and looks at the reports there. He then turns to you and apologizes for the delay considering he was the one that asked you to come. You brush off the apology and ask if Altair is alright given that he doesn’t seem to have gotten any rest. But he just smiles as usual in response before saying he’s fine and that he’s taking breaks. Deneb doesn’t seem to believe him and admonishes him for lying. Altair appears about to retort before Deneb interrupts him with a wave and says he understands they’re all in a state of emergency. You understand Deneb is only worried.

Sitting across from you is a frowning Ster. He seemed to know immediately that something was wrong and came over. Ster expresses the idea that all of these calamities are the cause of the comet. Altair says they can’t confirm it, but he’s starting to believe that is the case. Deneb agrees seeing as all of the accidents and disasters are centered solely around the Land of Stars, and the stars are still disappearing. Deneb then spreads out an old history book, showing an image of a comet with the white and blue tail. It is labeled as the comet that brings disaster.

Altair remarks on the fate of having disaster befall them from the sky, but continues with knowing this doesn’t give them an idea of how to fix anything. The people of the Land of Stars had been living in fear ever since the comet had appeared. You remember Nox mentioning fate and destiny and wonder if this was what he was talking about. Returning to the book, you mention that since the comet is talked about here, it must have appeared before and caused disaster, so how was it handled before? Altair and Deneb are silent for a while as their gazes meet. Altair remarks that the account isn’t necessarily accurate as it’s an old story, but supposedly many people fell victim to the calamities. As you sit there in shock, Deneb confirms this and says this is why the people are so panicked and believe something worse is to come. Ster agrees, saying he can hear many prayers for help, many of them asking for their loved ones to be saved. A heavy silence falls on the room.

You clench your fist in frustration, not knowing where to go from here. You ask if there’s anything you can do, to which Altair says yes, and that’s why he asked you here. You look up in surprise to see Altair’s intense gaze fixed on you. He tells you there’s a ray of hope that fell to the sea long ago and caused the “Stardust Flower” to bloom. The legends say the Stardust Flower has the ability to stop the calamity caused by the comet. Deneb questions the story, saying it sounds more like a fairy tale. His smile is bitter as he lets out a sigh, saying the story is far-fetched, but they’re going to have to gamble on it being true. Otherwise they’d just be waiting around for the disasters to occur. 

Altair says he’s already discussed the issue with Vega and they’ve agreed on Altair and Deneb going to the sea in search of the Stardust Flower. However, Altair knows they can’t go off searching without some sort of plan, so he intends to seek the help of the Sea Kingdoms. If the flower were to bloom somewhere like the bottom of the sea, they’d need the help. Altair asks for you to be the intermediary and ask for their help.

You readily agree to the task. However, Ster, having simply been watching over the proceedings, says there is something else before you set off.  He says there is the possibility that, with his power, he could simply bring the Stardust Flower here. You find yourself shocked and your gaze goes to the Stardust Hourglass that hangs against his chest. You know the hourglass will grant wishes, but you also know it depletes Ster’s life when used. Your eyes lock and you shake your head. Ster then says he will use his power if the people of the Land of Stars are beyond hope. Both Altair and Deneb hesitate, then Altair thanks him for the offer as Deneb says they can’t rely on his power for this, considering it’s a problem for their country. At their answer, you see some of the strength go out of Ster’s shoulders. Ster accepts their response after a pause then asks to at least be allowed to accompany everyone as he at least has a connection to the stars. Altair and Deneb easily agree to this request as the sunlight comes in through the windows and illuminates everyone’s faces.

With that, you and the others set off on the journey to find the Stardust Flower.

Chapter 2

A beach in Ancula in the Land of Pirates…-.

The sun is bright and blinding on the sandy beach which holds no trace of other people. In order to ask for help in the search for the Stardust Flower, you are meeting with Sarasa and Orion. You plead your case, asking if the people of the sea can help in the search. Orion is silent for a while as his expression hardens and a tension fills the air. Orion explains then of the animosity that has existed for a long time between the sea dwellers and the people of the land, and says they can’t help. You try to argue, but Orion interrupts with “…that would be a petty way to respond don’t you think?”

You and Altair are confused and Sarasa, watching from the shoreline, frowns. He then says Orion’s joke is in bad taste, to which Orion replies that it’s troubling to have to act on formalities during all of this. After expressing his displeasure, Orion returns to look at the group. He declares that he and Sarasa will search in the sea while the rest of you will search above the sea. He then continues and says humans easily drown, so take extra care not to fall overboard. 

You express your thanks and feel a sense of relief at having acquired such reliable allies. Altair, speaking far more formally, thanks both Sarasa and Orion from the bottom of his heart. Deneb echoes his sentiments. Orion responds with how they’re only doing it because you asked them to, so there’s no reason for Altair or Deneb to thank them. Sarasa turns to Orion and says “…you should have just said ‘don’t worry about it.’” 

Sarasa flicks his tail out of the water and says he’ll ask the people of Lorelei if they’ve heard of the Stardust Flower, though Orion says it won’t be that simple and that there’s no record he knows of in recent years mentioning someone seeing the Stardust Flower. Recognizing the difficulty of the task, you feel uneasy. Meanwhile Ster, who had been silent, stares fixedly at Orion. Orion questions him, but Ster says it’s nothing as he shakes his head slightly.

Ster is pretty sure the Stardust Flower is a wishing star that fell into the sea and caused a flower to bloom. As the people of Meteobel believe wishing stars grant people’s desires, Ster says if they wish hard enough with strength in their feelings as they search, the flower might answer. Everyone looks at Ster, and he replies that maybe it was irresponsible of him to suggest that considering he can’t prove it. You reassure him. 

There is determination in everyone’s eyes and you tell yourself you won’t give up as long as there’s even just the slightest possibility. And so you begin the search, holding a prayer in your hearts that you’ll be able to help the people of the Land of Stars. 

Chapter 3

The sails billow in the breeze…-.

The day after your talk with Orion and Sarasa, you and Deneb now stand on the deck of a ship. Sarasa appears out of the sea and places a hand on the ship, remarking at how large it is. Hearing Sarasa’s voice, Deneb bends over the railing to talk to him. Deneb says the ship is large enough that it’ll be comfortable to stay on even if it’s docked somewhere. Deneb had been in charge of securing the ship, and as you look around the rooms and cabins, you’re surprised that he was so readily able to get a ship this nice with everything prepared and equipped. Deneb notices your apparent look of shock and, when he says something, you realize he’s smiling. He is excited he was able to surprise you so much with the ship, and that searching from this point will make it easier to talk with Sarasa. Sarasa’s eyes go wide, now becoming the focus of the conversation. Deneb continues, saying it’ll be easier for them to exchange information now. He then changes topics and comments on how he’d thought Sarasa’s tail and fins were beautiful the moment he saw them. Now, he has an idea for a merman cosplay. 

Sarasa clearly does not know what cosplay is, so you explain that it’s like wearing a costume. Sarasa seems to understand then, nodding as he compares it to what happens for the Harvest Festival. He then says Deneb is an interesting person for wanting to make a merman cosplay. Deneb tilts his head curiously, then his expression stiffens as he asks about the people out there who do terrible things to merfolk. You know what Deneb is asking about is true, and a touchy subject, but before Sarasa can comment, Deneb continues, saying that he was certain Sarasa wouldn’t help them because of the bad relation between humans and merfolk. So he’s even more thankful for the help. His voice is honest and carries over the waves. Sarasa says he’s only doing what his heart tells him, that when he sees someone in trouble he wants to help, and that he wants everyone to smile. He’s sure that those feelings aren’t that different whether it be human or merfolk. Deneb agrees. Sarasa encourages everyone to try their best.

Chapter 4

You travel with Altair through a town that smells of the sea, filled with the cry of gulls. You have come to gather any information you can on the Stardust Flower from the port town. But so far, you’ve come up empty and no one has any clues. Altair asks if you’re tired, but you say you’re fine and ask him. He says he can keep going, and that the people back in the Land of Stars are also doing their best so he has to give his all in finding the Stardust Flower. 

Before, Altair had been in the midst of all the calamity going on in his kingdom, and he had wondered if it was actually a good idea to leave for this search. Hearing of his difficulties makes your heart ache. But he knows the other princes have his back and that everyone has faith in him and Deneb. The warmth in his voice makes you want to hurry and do your best to get everyone safe. As Altair smiles at you…

You hear what sounds like something heavy repeatedly falling. Altair wonders what’s going on, and you see people gathered in front of what appears to be a restaurant. As you get closer, you see an upset man thrown out of the building. He starts frantically apologizing and saying he drank too much when…

??: “Never mind that, just come here.”

A strong arm grabbed the neck of the man as he stumbled and tripped over the ground.

Man: “Eeeee! Forgive me…!”

OO: “…!?”

Altair: “! Hey, what on…-“

Hearing the man’s urgent cry, Altair pushed his way through the crowd.

I followed after him but…-.

Ruber: “I’m just examining your condition. Don’t go causing a racket.”

OO: “Ah…!”

Seeing the person wearing a white gown who had grabbed the man’s neck… my eyes went wide.

(He’s not wearing the black mask right now but…-)

OO: “Ruber…!?”

Altair: “Do you know him OO?”

Ruber: “…”

Ruber glanced towards us, but his stern expression didn’t break except for the raise of an eyebrow…-.


Ruber: “Looks like you have a liver abnormality. You drink too much. If you can’t go the rest of your life without drinking, at least hold off for a little while.”

Man: “Y-yeah…”

 Ruber: “Also, you fell down earlier. Are you hurt?”

Man: “N-no… I’m fine!”

Ruber: “Alright then. Your exam is done.”

The man whom Ruber had been examining left with a very confused and dazed expression on his face.

Altair: “So you were a doctor. Sorry, I thought there was a brawl or something.”

Ruber: “Don’t worry about it. It’s true there was a fight. But it was just that man had drank too much and someone picked a fight with him.”

OO: “Did you examine the person who started it too?”

Ruber: “Yeah. I wanted to be certain there weren’t any problems with their health.”

His expression seemed to say this was the natural course before he pointed his chin at us.

Ruber: “That aside, you two.”

OO: “Y-yes.”

Under the scrutiny of that razor-sharp gaze, I found myself reflexively straightening my back.

Ruber: “Have you seen him… have you seen Nox around here?”

OO: “Nox? No, I haven’t seen him here in Ancula.”

Ruber: “I see.”

OO: “Did Nox come to this country too?”

(I had thought I’d seen him in Galassia during the Star Festival but…)

Ruber: “I don’t know. We just had some words a few days ago. But looks like I just missed him, before I could ask him something important.”

As he adjusted the position of his stethoscope, Ruber spoke with an unpleasant expression.

(Just what kind of relationship is there between these two…?)

I wanted to ask about it, but I felt this wasn’t the time and stayed quiet.

Ruber’s eyes suddenly shifted to my side and…

Ruber: “Hey.”

Altair: “Hm? What is it?”

As Ruber called out to Altair, Altair tilted his head in curiosity.

Ruber: “Don’t give me that. You can’t act like nothing’s going on when you’ve got a doctor watching you.”

Altair: “!”

After Altair blinked in surprise, his usual smile returned.

Altair: “I see, you’re concerned about me. Thanks. But I’m alright. My body’s resilience is one of my good points.”

Ruber: “… well, fine. But at least let me keep an eye on your condition.”

Altair: “Condition…?”

Ruber: “I mean, I’m going to tag along.”

Ruber spoke as if the matter was already decided, and Altair and I exchanged a look.

OO: “Um… we’re gathering information on a certain flower.”

Ruber: “Got it. I’ll help too.”

(That’s not what I meant…!)

Unsure of how things turned out this way, I was bewildered as I felt Altair’s large hand on my shoulder.

Altair: “I don’t mind if you accompany us. But before that, shouldn’t we do introductions? I’m Altair. Prince of Galassia in the Land of Stars.”

Ruber: “… Ruber. Prince of Remedium in the Land of Medical Treatment.”

(Remedium in the Land of Medical Treatment…)

I repeated the name in my head over and over as it was a place I had never been to.

With the introductions over, we resumed our investigation.

Altair: “Prince Ruber. I’m sorry, but I’ll have to fill you in on the situation as we walk.”

Ruber: “Alright. And tell me what the distinguishing features of the flower in question are.”

As the salty breeze blew, we heard the sounds of people selling fish and flowers.

Having gained another companion, the three of us continued down the busy avenue of the port town.

Chapter 5

 The pale light of the moon illuminates the sky at dusk. Having parted ways with Altair as he continued the investigation, you return to the ship. Ruber decided to stay with Altair in the end, and at the unexpected meeting with him again, you realize your heart is stirring. As you think on it, you hear voices on the wind, which you then identify as Ster and Orion. They’re gathered around a sheet of paper and discussing something.

You approach the two and ask what they’re doing, and their eyes turn to you at the same time. Ster says they are looking at a sea chart of the surrounding area, and that Orion has recorded the information he was able to gather in the sea about the Stardust Flower. Ster shows you the chart, and you see it’s covered with a lot of different writing and symbols. 

Once night falls, Ster intends to ride a falling star to investigate the different places. Orion says he and Sarasa will continue their search underwater in conjunction with Ster’s investigation. You nod, admiring their teamwork, and the corner of Orion’s mouth twitches up. Orion then mentions that it’ll be better to continue working in the dark, which confuses you. Ster informs you that legends state the Stardust Flower glows at night. The flowers are growing en masse, meaning it makes the beach look like the night sky. You try to imagine that kind of brilliance in the vastness of the evening waters.

Orion comments that it’s a bit ironic that a comet brings about disaster, and that a star is what can counter it. Ster looks at Orion as he mutters, saying the stars can give a variety of blessings. But at the same time, that’s not the only thing they can do. Orion understands, saying that makes them like the sea. They are both beautiful, but hold a terrifying ruthlessness. You feel something grate against your heart as you once again think that the world isn’t simply filled with pleasant things. But you voice your belief that even so, you like the stars and the sea. And you have felt that ever since you had seen them from a distance. This is one of the reasons you want to face what’s happening head-on. As you share your feelings, Orion and Ster are bathed in the gentle light of the setting sun and their expressions soften. Orion says that’s just like you, and Ster agrees, saying that’s your strength. You startle and apologize for saying something strange. Your cheeks heat up as you feel the sudden rush of embarrassment. 

Ster returns to the matter of the Stardust Flower and looks at Orion. He says that when they met on the beach, he heard Orion’s wish. That in addition to helping the Land of Stars, he wants to find the Stardust Flower for his own sake. You look to Orion questioningly. Orion says it isn’t that important, but it’s just that he’s been searching for the flower since he was little. He sighs and pushes his hair back from his face. Orion continues, commenting that it goes without saying he was never able to find it. He finishes talking and walks across the deck of the ship. Perhaps going to search, he returns to the sea with a splash.  

Ster wonders if Orion likes the stars, to which you reply you think he does, but that this is the first time you’d heard him mention this. Ster nods in understanding and bends slightly to peer into the surface of the water. Before long, Orion’s form has disappeared from view. Ster says they’ll definitely find the Stardust Flower, for both the people of the Land of Stars and to grant Orion’s wish. You agree, and spreading out overhead are the faint twinkle of the first stars.

Chapter 6

I walked along the beach, the faint light of the lamp guiding my way in the silence of the night…-.

(I heard that you could see a blue-white light at night from around here but…)

Relying on a rumor, I had gone to investigate a particular island… but the true source of the light was just a gathering of luminescent plankton.

(… looks like another dead end.)

My shoulders dropped and I illuminated the gaps between the waves with my light.

(I should be getting back to the ship.)

Setting my sites for where we anchored the boat, I started walking.

Then suddenly, a cold wind ruffled my hair and I reflexively stopped walking.

??: “Hey OO.”

OO: “…!”

I didn’t know when it had happened, but now there was a person standing at the water’s edge holding a huge scythe.

OO: “…is that you Nox?”

Nox: “No need to sound so formal.”

The figure slowly started to approach, accompanied by the sound of footsteps crunching on sand.

OO: “R-right…”

Nox: “Good.”

As if encouraged by the conversation, Nox approached and smiled in satisfaction beneath the light of the stars.

Nox: “I’m glad you remembered me.”

As I peered into his face, Nox brought forth the impression of someone who was easy to get along with.

Nox: “I was waiting for you. I was at the Land of Stars, but there were too many people for a proper greeting.”

OO: “!”

(So he really was at the Star Festival.)

I took in a deep breath and straightened my back.

OO: “A lot of people in the Land of Stars are suffering right now because of the disaster brought on by the comet. Did you know this was going to happen Nox?”

I gathered my resolve and asked the question laced with doubt that had been plaguing me for some time now.

Nox: “…”

He held up a pale white finger in front of a smile.

Nox: “When a person’s life burns out, I receive an omen.”

OO: “A person’s life…?”

Nox: “It’s not all the time though, and I can’t see the cause. But at this rate, soon many lives will be returning to the land of the dead.”

He spoke as if it were a prediction, and his eyes held a limitless light…-.

(…I’m scared.)

A chill crept up my spine, as if I were gazing directly into the abyss.

Without thinking, I took a step back and Nox frowned at me.

Nox: “…sorry. I hadn’t meant to frighten you. I just had hopes for you.”

OO: “Eh…?”

Those unexpected words took my breath away. 

I opened my mouth to ask what he meant when…-.

Deneb: “OO!”

I heard Deneb’s voice behind me, even though he should have been on the ship.

I turned and saw Deneb running towards me.

Deneb: “OO, it’s terrible! It’s Altair…!”

My heart started to pound seeing how unusually flustered he was.

The luminescent plankton shone on as before, illuminating the shoreline at my feet.

Chapter 7

The shoreline was illuminated with a blue-white light, and a cold breeze blew…-.

Deneb: “OO, it’s terrible! It’s Altair…!”

Likely having run hard and fast, Deneb slapped his hands to his knees when he stopped running and was breathing in ragged gulps.

OO: “Did something happen to Altair?”

Deneb: “Yeah… he collapsed in the middle of gathering information…-“

OO: “!”

Taking in a deep breath, Deneb looked up.

Deneb: “Sorry, but can you come back to the ship with me?”

OO: “Alright…!”

Before running in the direction of the ship, I turned to Nox.

OO: “Sorry Nox. Can we continue…-.”

As I turned to ask, my eyes went wide.

(He’s gone…?)

Even his footprints had completely vanished along with him…

Deneb: “OO, what’s wrong?”

OO: “Nothing…”

I fixed my expression and ran with Deneb towards the light of the ship…-.


The air in the quiet cabin room was strained…-.

We’d rushed to the room Altair was in and were treated to an unexpected sight.

Altair: “Sorry, but I can’t stay in bed any longer.”

Ruber: “Shut it. With the state you’re in, anything you can do would be of little consequence.”

Altair: “But…!”

Ruber: “I said to be quiet and rest. Or do you want me to tie you to the bed?”

Altair, who was sitting up in bed, was held down by Ruber’s stern gaze.

Deneb: “Ruber’s the doctor, and he carried Altair back to the ship after he collapsed but… ever since Altair woke up, they’ve been going at it like this.”

Deneb let out a sigh as he shrugged, at a loss for what to do.

OO: “Um, why did Altair collapse in the first place…?”

I was nervous as I spoke up amidst their quarreling.

As if just now realizing we were there, Ruber and Altair looked at us.

Ruber: “Overwork. For a while now he’s been pushing his body.”

Altair: “…”

My gaze dropped to Altair, who looked on with regret as he balled his hand into a fist atop the sheets.

Deneb: “Since the preparations for the Star Festival up until now, he’s always been working and hasn’t rested.”


Ruber: “Don’t give me that. You can’t act like nothing’s going on when you’ve got a doctor watching


(When we were talking in the town… Ruber had already noticed Altair’s condition.)

Altair: “… I didn’t want you to have to look after me. But we might finally know where the Stardust Flower blooms.”

OO: “Really!?”

Altair: “Yeah. Come here. Deneb, you too.”

Along with Deneb we moved to Altair’s bedside.

He then spread out a sea chart on the edge of the bed.

Altair: “Thanks to the information everyone was able to gather, we were able to narrow it down quite a bit. ‘The Storm’s Islet’… there’s a strong possibility that this is where the Stardust Flower blooms.”

Deneb: “The Storm’s Islet…?”

Hearing the name, Deneb’s brow furrowed.

Deneb: “Isn’t that area of the sea unstable and that’s how the island got its name? I heard it’s not unusual to encounter a storm there and wreck your ship.”

OO: “I-it’s that dangerous?”

Deneb: “Yeah. I heard it’s almost like the entire island is surrounded by a storm. That’s why it was named ‘The Storm’s Islet.’”

Even on the sea chart, a complicated series of currents had been drawn near the Storm’s Islet and it gave off an uneasy aura.

Ruber: “Don’t tell me you’re planning on going?”

Ruber scrutinized the sea chart, having listened to everything that had been said.

Ruber: “You do know the meaning of the words ‘self-preservation’ right?”

(I’m sure… it’ll be a difficult voyage. And even if we brave the danger, there’s no telling if we’ll actually find the Stardust Flower.)

OO: “Even so… I won’t give up here.”

Altair: “OO…”

Altair’s eyes opened a little wider, and a strong light shone from within.

Altair: “That’s right. I feel the same way. I carry the weight of the lives of all the people of the Land of Stars. If there’s even a possibility that I can help them… no matter how small, that possibility gives me hope.”

Deneb: “Yeah… I think so too. It’s not like I enjoy going into danger. But if that’s our only hope, I’m not giving up.”

Ruber: “…seems like it’s pointless to try stopping you.”

Crossing his arms and leaning against the wall, Ruber looked at each of us in turn.

Altair: “Prince Ruber. You have my thanks for accompanying us this far. But I’m alright. We’re near a harbor, so we’ll dock there and…-“

Ruber: “That’s unnecessary.”

Ruber flat-out refused Altair’s proposal. 

 Ruber: “The fact of the matter is I don’t really know…to what extent the disaster in the Land of Stars will be resolved. But the general line of thinking is that the Stardust Flower will save them, right? When people’s lives are on the line, if I were to give up at only the faintest glimmer of hope… I couldn’t call myself a doctor.”

OO: “Ruber…”

Ruber: “Take me with you. That on its own should be useful.”

Deneb: “Thanks! It’s reassuring to know we’ll have a doctor coming along.”

And so, we decided to set our sights on the Storm’s Islet.

Chapter 8

Having finished with preparations, you departed for the Storm’s Islet. Though you had readied yourself, as you got closer and closer to the island, the rain continued to pour with greater intensity. Within the fierce winds, the ship continued to shake and pitch as if it would capsize. Orion calls out warnings, his voice piercing the flashes of thunder and lightning, letting the crew know when the hull is about to hit a reef. Altair braces the crew for the rising waves, which crash down on the deck. Your fingers slip on the pillar you cling to and your balance pitches. As you feel the blood rush through you as you start to fall, someone catches you from behind. Ster asks if you’re alright, and you thank him for the rescue. You continue to hold on to his hand and fix your gaze on the churning seas.

Ster speaks, saying the storm is worse that he’d imagined. He can calm the storm if he uses the Stardust Hourglass, but you protest. He understands and says he’ll just have to use his own strength. His voice is caught up in the sound of the rain. He can feel their wish when he looks at the princes searching for the Stardust Flower, that earnest wish to be able to overcome the difficulty with one’s own strength. That’s why Ster also wants to lend his strength and help. His expression as he speaks with such resoluteness is much more intense than when the two of you had first met. Then…

One of the sailors yells that the hold is breached and flooding and that they need help. Ster and you lock gazes at the same time when you hear that. Ster asks if you can move, and the two of you rush to help, not willing to give in to the assault of the sea.

With everyone working together, you make it through the storm. The ship makes its way to the bay of a small island, the island where the Stardust Flower is supposed to be. Sarasa, who had come up to the shallows, points out that the waves around the island are surprisingly calm. Orion says it’s like you’re in the eye of a storm. Sarasa nods as Orion approaches, his legs knee deep in the water. Though it’s his first time being here, Sarasa mentions that the water is beautifully clear and full of living things. 

Deneb suddenly asks where Ruber is. He looks around, but Ruber is nowhere to be seen. Altair says, just to be safe, he’s examining the crew. There shouldn’t be any injuries but it doesn’t hurt considering what everyone had to do to make it through the storm. Deneb says he understands, and he’s glad Ruber came along. Everyone seems to carry a feeling of accomplishment at having made it through the storm. 

Sarasa then notices something, and Orion asks what the problem is. Sarasa says he just saw something shining in the water. With that, he puts both hands in the water and scoops up some petals that flutter and glow with a pale blue-white light. You wonder… and Sarasa says it came from up stream. With him leading the way, you follow the direction the petals are coming from.

After some time, you come across what looks like the starry sky spread out on the shore. Ster falls to his knees and gently touches the petals of a flower. He says its faint, but he can feel the power of the stars. You have found the Stardust Flower. Altair and Deneb are excited, and Orion smiles at seeing their delight. Orion says he’s finally able to see the flowers he’d been looking for since he was a child, and Sarasa says they’re very pretty, and that he’s glad everyone found them. Altair agrees and bites his lip, overcome with emotion to the point where he can no longer speak.

You recognize that it’s thanks to no one giving up that you were able to make it here. With this, you should be able to save the people of the Land of Stars. Everything blurs as you feel tears prick your eyes. 


Little time has passed since you found the Stardust Flower.

Canus in the Land of Stars…-.

Procyon excitedly points out that the stars are back, and Sirius yells at him to not be looking up while he’s running around.

Galassia in the Land of Stars, West Side…-

A servant comes to inform Vega that the stars have returned. He had seen, and says he believed Altair and the others would be able to do it.

Some time after the comet had suddenly appeared and brought disaster with it…-.

You and the others have once again returned to Ancula to discuss everything that happened. Sarasa asks about the flower vanishing, to which you say it was more like they returned to the sky. You think back to the incident amidst the gentle sound of the waves. You had brought the Stardust Flower back to Galassia, and the flowers had turned into drops of light that ascended to the sky. As if in response to that, the stars in the sky had then returned, and somewhere along the line the comet had vanished as well. You think about how mysterious it all was. Altair says it seems as though all the disasters that had befallen the people of the Land of Stars have come to and end, and he’s glad they hadn’t become victims like what the history book had said. Altair looked up to the sky, seeming refreshed.

Ster is certain your wishes were heard by the stars. Altair says the desire was indeed strong, but he doesn’t think that was it. He believes it was the combined strength of all the people that did it. He is deeply thankful to all of you who helped. Orion says he doesn’t need the thanks and that he was only helping because you had asked him to. Altair acknowledges what he says, but thanks Orion nonetheless. You feel as if everyone has grown closer through this incident. 

You suddenly hear the nearby sound of a shutter going off, at which point Deneb announces he caught something good. You ask why he has the camera out, to which he replies he hadn’t told you this, but the others were interested in the sea and in the hunt for the Stardust Flower, but since they couldn’t all come, he figured he’d at least take photos to bring back as souvenirs for Vega and the others. You think that’s a wonderful idea. At that, there’s the sound of water and Sarasa appears nearby, asking what Deneb has. He explains what a camera is, then asks if he wants to try. Sarasa is hesitant, but Deneb says it’s fine as the camera is totally waterproof and even someone inexperienced can use it. Sarasa nervously takes the camera from Deneb.

Altair suddenly asks if you had seen Ruber after everything. You say you haven’t. Ruber had accompanied you all back to the Land of Stars, but in the days following the return of the stars, he had suddenly vanished. Altair remarks that he owes a lot to Ruber, and wonders if they’ll ever meet again. You think it would be great if they could meet again, and that you wanted to talk with him more. You recall the conversation you had with Ruber the last time you met….


Ruber: “A Grim Reaper?”

OO: “Yes. That’s the term Nox gave me in Saphinia.”

Ruber: “… Necropolia, in the Land of Grave Keepers.”

OO: “Eh?”

Ruber: “It’s Nox’s kingdom. They’ve practically cut all ties with other kingdoms, so it’s hard to get in. He’s the Prince of Necropolia.”


You wonder what kind of kingdom Necropolia could be, then suddenly Ster startles you from your thoughts. You apologize for spacing out and ask if he needs anything. He says he doesn’t need anything really, just that he wanted to talk about what happened. Now that the calamity that had befallen the Land of Stars is resolved, he can say it was refreshing spending time with everyone. You agree, feeling the same way. You smile, thinking about everything that had happened as you’d all rushed about in search for the flower. You mention that a lot of terrible things happened, but at the same time you gained a lot from it. Ster agrees, and the two of you smile as a refreshing breeze blows around you.

Sarasa says he wants to take a photo with everyone. Orion wants to know what he plans to do with a photograph, and Sarasa says it’s to commemorate everyone meeting. He wonders if he shouldn’t, but Orion stays silent. Altair pipes in that he thinks it’s a good idea, and Deneb agrees, setting up the timer function. Orion wonders if Sarasa will be able to put the photograph in the water, to which Deneb says no, but he’ll figure something out.  Orion acquiesces, then calls over you and Ster to get in the shot. 

The photo you take with the princes is a treasured item that can never be replaced.