As the Christmas season approaches, Creto takes on a certain request, and Keith, Sieg, and Almari arrive at the brightly lit town of Chocoluna. Hearing Creto’s thoughts on hosting Christmas, a small change occurs in Almari…-.

In the town of Chocoluna, covered in pure white snow, multi-colored lights were shining…-.

Sieg: “Almari, you’ll fall if you keep looking up while you’re walking.”

Almari: “Ah, right… the town was just so pretty and sparkly.”

Keith: “It looks like Chocoluna puts a lot of effort into Christmas.”

The three stopped walking and took in their surroundings.

The people walking through the brilliant town were all smiling and full of happiness.

Sieg: “Hm? Over there…”

Sieg was looking to Creto, a prince of this country.

Creto, who had been talking with his servants, also noticed the three and waved broadly.

Creto: “Prince Sieg! And Prince Almari and Prince Keith too…! Thanks so much for coming to help!”

Sieg: “Likewise.  We are delighted to be part of this wonderful event.”

[For the celebration of Christmas, we will display the Chocolate Jewelry that shines like a precious stone]…

That was the plan that Creto had proposed to the princes of the Land of Jewels.

Keith: “Though we had no idea what would happen when you made that proposal.”

Creto: “Thanks to everyone’s help, it came out perfectly. After all, there are plenty of capable chocolatiers here.”

Almari: “We came to see the Chocolate Jewelry display. Tormari was really interested in it too but… it looks like he’s still in the meeting hall.”

Creto: “Really!? I’m glad even the princes of the Land of Jewels are interested in it.”

Sieg: “So Prince Creto, what are you doing there?”

Creto: “Ah… actually I’m getting ready to put this star up there.”

Creto looked up at the large, towering tree that stood before them.

Keith: “Is this tree… made out of chocolate?”

Creto: “Yup. It was specially made to be edible too. I had been thinking of planning something awesome like this for a while.”

Almari: “You even thought up the tree too…”

Creto: “It’s Christmas after all, so I want everyone to be happy.”

Creto nodded emphatically, then started to climb a ladder with the golden star in hand.

The people of the town were all fixed on watching their prince climb the ladder…-.

Creto: “Alright, done!”

As soon as the golden star was decorating the top of the tree, there was a round of cheers and applause.

Almari: “…if Tormari and I could get everyone in Malineglace as excited as this…”

As Almari looked up at the tree with his clear eyes, they sparkled as if not to be outdone by the lights…-.

Keith: “…if that’s what you’re thinking, give it a try.”

Almari: “Eh?”

Sieg: “Of course, we’ll be there to help if you need us.”

Creto: “A Christmas planned by Prince Almari and the others… I’d like to see that.”

As the normally reserved Almari spoke, the other princes looked over him protectively.

The star that decorated the top of the tree shone softly on them.