As Amano desires to put up a Christmas tree in Akagura, Caliburn and Camilo offer to help. As the three walk a snow-covered trail to transport the tree into town, their bonds gradually deepen. What do they each imagine Christmas to be…?

A cold wind that pierced the skin carried the snow as it blew…-.

Walking against the wind were three princes, accompanied by a tree so large it was taller than any man.

Amano: “I wonder if we went too big for this Christmas tree…”

Amano, who had been leading the way for a while now, looked back at the tree they’d cut down. His breath came out in white clouds.

Caliburn: “But we’re putting it at the center of town, right? With one this big, everyone should be able to enjoy it.”

Camilo: “That’s right. And in the story I heard about the crab, there was a tree taller than the buildings…-.”

Amano: “That’s amazing. If the tree was that large, I imagine the decorations were also quite big. I was thinking of having the children help to decorate the tree, so maybe it’s a good thing we got one this large.”

Caliburn: “Yeah. And for that, we should try to get back to town before the sun sets…”

In celebration of Christmas in Akagura in the Land of Weapons, they wanted to soothe the hearts of the people, who were exposed to the threat of monsters…

And at the suggestion of Amano, who had heard Christmas stories from Camilo of Arbitro, the first thing to do was get a Christmas tree.

Amano: “I am truly thankful that the two of you were willing to help with this.”

Caliburn: “It’s no trouble… as another prince of the Land of Weapons, I fully understand the wish for the people to live peacefully.”

Camilo: “Yes. I greatly admire that. And I’m happy to help, so please think nothing of it.”

Caliburn: “Prince Camilo, your sincerity lives up to your reputation. And I believe the same can be said of your bow arm.”

Camilo: “You as well Prince Caliburn. I have heard of your skill with the sword. I’d like to see those abilities for myself one day.”

Caliburn: “Thank you very much. Do please come visit us in Avalon if you’d like. I have an older brother and… you remind me a little of him Prince Camilo.”

Amano: “Haha, you’re right. Their appearances are different, but they have a similar air about them.”

Camilo: “Is that so? I’d like to meet him then.”

While hauling the large tree, the princes conversed while easily matching each other’s pace.

Their steps were powerful, all three of them having regularly trained themselves in service of the people.

Amano: “! I can see it, we’re almost to Akagura.”

Facing forward again, Amano’s eyes sparkled as he took in the castle walls across the snowy landscape.

Caliburn: “I can’t see it yet but… as expected of Amano.”

Camilo: “It would be good if the people of Akagura can enjoy Christmas.”

Camilo and Caliburn both braced themselves and put more strength into their arms.

The three princes took another step forward, thinking to themselves of the smiles that would soon bloom on the faces of the people of Akagura, and walked steadily through the gusting snow.