
In the Land of Records…-

Though the wind blows, it shows no sign of being able to chase away the dark clouds. A sudden rain had fallen across the Dream World, turning all living things into crystal. It was called the Dragon’s Tears, and though the rain had stopped, the sun has still not shone through the clouds.

The gathered princes look at each other with serious expressions. Roie, Prince of Record, is the first to start speaking. He thanks everyone for gathering considering the circumstances and expresses that he had wanted to share the information that his kingdom had gathered with the rest of the world.

Thanks to the power of the Sword of Salvation found in Alstoria, the Dragon’s Tears that had caused such anxiety and fear had stopped and the crystallization was being undone. However, the sky was still covered in clouds. You are aware that everyone is uneasy as to what should be done now. You ask about the other Princes of Record, and Roie says everyone is taking turns keeping track of the records as normal. Although the rain has stopped, the damage it caused is still very much present. The number of kingdoms that had responded to Roie’s summons was in no way small. The gathered princes were sent as delegates from various countries for the purpose of obtaining and further spreading the information.

Frost, First Prince of Snowphilia, looks to Roie and suggests providing aid where it’s needed. Although Snowphilia was blessed, he has not confirmed for himself the damage there. You ask if Graysia and Synny are alright, to which Frost tells you not to worry. As usual, they are taking care of the people and the kingdom, but he is aware that there are many voicing their concerns for the other kingdoms. He asks about the countries that have suffered more severe damage. You have heard that relief is being provided to various countries, and Roie nods to confirm this.

Micaela, Prince of Arbitro, is relieved to hear this. You can feel the air in the room begin to calm. Micaela is relieved to hear that other kingdoms are sending relief to those in the most need. He says that Arbitro will of course provide support wherever is needed, considering it’s natural to come together at a time like this to help each other. He then looks to you and says he heard you were investigating in Alstoria. He asks if you’re alright and if you should be resting. You appreciate his concern but say you’re alright. You report that Alstoria is still in a state of flux and working on returning to normal, and with everyone else giving their all around the world, you can’t just take a break.

Oswald, Prince of Oz, nods and says he’d expect nothing less from you. He then continues and says everyone must discuss what to do from here. Roie is the one who called everyone, so surely that is the main topic of discussion today. Though Oswald’s tone suggests a light-hearted joke, his eyes behind his reflective glasses are incredibly serious. Tension returns to the air.

Saiga, Prince of Irogu, agrees with Oswald and says they must now find a way to get the sun to return. He is cool and intelligent as always when he speaks. He then turns to Roie and says even his older brother has not seen a calamity such as this before and he asks what Roie knows.

Roie is regretful in that he doesn’t have much he can share that is concrete as much of the investigations are still on-going. He pauses, which is an unusual thing for Roie, and all eyes turn to him. He finally continues and says that they have been able to determine that both the Dragon’s Tears and the crystallization phenomenon were caused by the same type of magical power. The chances are quite high that everything is connected to some type of magic. In addition, at the same time as the rain and crystallization, they received a report of a massive amount of magical energy being released that contained the same magical signature.

Frost asks where this magic came from, and Roie says it is from the Azure Isle, a small island that floats in the sky. Saiga remarks that this is the first time he’s heard such a name, and Micaela and Oswald both agree they’ve never heard of it. Roie continues, saying that most people haven’t. Even in his kingdom there are very few records on the Azure Isle. However, at one time, dragon people lived on the island. Oswald asks what he means by ‘at one time’ and Roie elaborates, saying it’s really more conjecture. The records from long ago related to the island say it fell to ruin and they haven’t been able to observe it with magic. Still, Roie is unsure of the chain of events that led to this. The Dragon Family was said to possess a powerful magic treasure that they kept hidden called the Heavenly Blue Stone. (Tensouseki)

According to Roie, in addition to the spike in magical energy, it’s likely that this is connected to the current string of events. Micaela seems to understand and suggests they all start looking into it immediately. Frost agrees, but says that the various kingdoms are still trying to recover from the damage of the Dragon’s Tears. So, he proposes a selection of representatives to move forward and look into the matter. Saiga smiles and seems to understand that Frost is suggesting each kingdom work together hand-in-hand for this, considering no matter the kingdom, every prince would want to see the smiles return to their people once more. You agree with him, certain that everyone currently has the same goal.

You speak up, emphatically claiming that you will all be able to get things back to normal. There are times when you have succumbed to anxiety over the loss of the sun, but now, with everyone putting their strengths together, you can see the path to the light.

Oswald quietly says that now it’s his turn. You are unsure what he means by this, but don’t ask.   


A piercingly blue sky overhead with streaks of white clouds…-.

You look around in confusion, unsure of where you are. The you suddenly hear a cheerful laugh and from the corner of your vision you see two young boys beneath the rays of the sun. They seem to be in the midst of a competition to get through the giant door that opens in front of them. Then, you’re suddenly standing inside of what looks like a cathedral with a solemn air. The two boys stand before the altar and hold hands as they face each other.

One of the boys, with vibrant red hair, asks the other if they’ll always be friends forever. However, the name of the other boy is strangely omitted whenever it’s spoken. The nameless boy responds that he isn’t sure, but someday he’ll be chief of the island, and he’ll take care of everyone. He is excited as he says this, and the two boys stand amidst the brilliance of the cathedral as the evening glow cuts through the windows. The red-headed boy asks if that’s true, and the nameless boy agrees. The two nod and close their eyes, then pray that their time together will continue forever. Everything fades to black, and you wake up.

Heldt is there to greet you, and his familiar cheerful voice is enough to bring you back to the present. You had fallen asleep on the sofa and look around slowly. Heldt asks if you’re still sleeping, smiling as he looks at you closely. That’s when you remember: you are currently in an airship searching for the Azure Isle. In order to proceed with the investigation, Oswald had prepared multiple airships and the fleet was now headed to the island. Heldt calls the others over as you shake off the last bit of sleep. Apollo scowls slightly as he says they are right there and Heldt doesn’t need to shout. Julius asks if you would like to sleep in a separately prepared room since there’s still some time before you reach the island, and Akito agrees, saying you should preserve your stamina as much as possible. Seeing them there reminds you that their kingdoms were hit especially hard by the crystallization phenomenon. You thank them for their concern but you’re alright. Akito tries to insist that you don’t push yourself and that you can call for them anytime.  

You had learned a great deal from Roie already. Even now, the Azure Isle is exuding a massive amount of magic and you’re sure you can find something out about what’s going on if you look into it. You had voiced your desire to do this alone, but the princes with you now had petitioned to come along for the investigation. You mention you had a strange dream, and Apollo says you’re awful carefree considering how close you all are to the island. His tone makes you flinch, and as Heldt starts to jump to your defense, Apollo keeps talking and says that that’s good. Heldt is confused. Apollo’s burning gaze falls on you and you can sense his strong will. Because you are the symbol of the entire Dream World, Apollo says it would be bad if you were exhausted now. Never lower your gaze, and always hold your back straight. If you always look ahead, you can accomplish anything.

You return his gaze, holding onto his straight-forward words. Apollo always pushes you like this and has your back, despite his stern words. Heldt is still confused but surprised that Apollo can say nice things. He claps his hand on Apollo’s shoulder, to which Apollo says to not touch him so casually. Heldt brushes this off, saying everyone is working together in this, but Apollo says that has nothing to do with allowing Heldt to touch him.

At that time, there is a knock at the door, and it opens to reveal Leeya and Thinpla. Leeya says Oswald just sent them a message that dawn is approaching and just after that you’ll arrive at the island. Heldt gets excited, curious about the island, and Julius asks if the vanguard has reported anything. Leeya says they haven’t heard anything. Thinpla analyzes everyone and states you are all in good condition to proceed with the investigation. Your equipment has been prepared, and Thinpla asks you to all be careful. Leeya agrees, saying nobody better come back injured. At last, the time has come.


The Azure Isle floats in the sky, seemingly wrapped up by the dark clouds. It hangs there in silence. You safely land on the island and go to exit the airship. You still can’t see the sun even being on the island. You stand next to the other princes when a voice calls out to you. You look to see Fllayg smiling at you. You’re surprised he’s there, but at Heldt’s question you introduce everyone. Apollo says he looks suspicious. Fllayg tells you all that he came to the Azure Isle because he is also upset at the current state of affairs. When he heard that a group had been dispatched to gather information, he decided to join up so he could be useful. You thank him. As you all disembark, Oswald comes out after you and suggests that you meet up with the advanced party to share information before moving forward. They haven’t found anything of note yet, but the investigation is only just beginning! You note that Oswald never changes, and even now he stands there seemingly unstressed at the situation. You then become aware of your own tensed shoulders, and you try to calm yourself as you clench your fists.

You suddenly feel a warmth and look up to see Julius with his hand on your shoulder. He reassures you that you don’t need to shoulder all of this on your own, and there are people here to help you. You feel yourself relax and smile at Julius. Oswald wishes you all well, and you take a deep breath as you set out with the others.

Chapter 1

The slope seems to sway in the wind, covered in lush green grass…-.

You go to meet up with the advanced party when you hear someone call your name. You look up to see Gauche riding his broom and waving at you. He asks when you arrived as he’d planned on meeting up with you. Then suddenly Droite comes over, also on a broom, shouting Gauche’s name. He berates Gauche, saying he’d suddenly disappeared. Gauche tells him to shut up and to not yell. You greet them both, confirming that they’ve come to investigate. Droite says they’d been told there was a group coming, but he hadn’t thought you would be among them. This isn’t really a place for a princess. The two brothers exchange some words before landing, and you then introduce them to Fllayg. Droite stops you in the middle when you say that the two brothers are magicians like Oswald. Droite corrects you, saying that Oswald is a genius magician, and that Gauche is even greater than himself. Gauche tells him to shut up and stop being an idiot. Droite hangs his head, disheartened. Fllayg takes it all in stride and greets the two brothers, but Gauche looks at him suspiciously. When he voices his concern, saying Fllayg looks shady, Fllayg simply responds that this is the second time he’s heard that today.

Julius interrupts and asks if the brothers have any information. Droite reports that they had been surveying the island from the skies, but Gauche says they didn’t really learn anything in particular, just that the whole place has a bizarre feel to it, a type of magic he’s never felt before. Droite also mentions that there’s a village at the center of the island, but that it’s also strange. At Akito’s question, Droite says it’s hard to describe, but that there’s definitely something going on. After all, the whole place has fallen to ruin. You feel an indescribable sense of unease settle over you as they share the information. Still, you resolve yourself that you’re here to find a way to chase away the clouds. You tell the others it’s likely you’ll find a clue in the village. Fllayg says there should already be an expedition team there gathering information, composed of Sefir and Ster. The unease diminishes as you hear the names.

Regardless of all this, Apollo says it would be inefficient to move in a group, so he turns and heads off in a different direction. Heldt says he’ll go to the village, along with Fllayg. You agree to meet up later. Gauche and Droite agree to take to the sky again and see if anything has changed or they notice anything new. Gauche takes off first, and when Droite shouts at him to wait, Gauche says he doesn’t need to come along since he’s an idiot. You, Julius, and Akito head out to investigate on your own.


Paying careful attention to your surroundings, you and Akito walk down a small stone path. Akito is impressed at the flowers growing here despite the lack of sun, but says they need to hurry and get the flowers back for the sake of Vilastine and Bloomeria. Julius agrees. You mention that you’d heard the damage to those two kingdoms was especially severe. Julius hesitantly agrees, considering how important the flowers and plants are to both kingdoms. Akito says they were all made keenly aware of their powerlessness when they couldn’t do anything in the event of the crystallization. Yet the people are strong, and they will overcome. At that moment, Akito seems to be lost in memory and he looks sad. You wonder how deep the scars on their hearts go, for both Akito and Julius. Your heart is pained as you remember both kingdoms as they were before, full of vibrant, beautiful flowers with the sun pouring down on them.

At that moment, Julius thanks you. He heard from Gerber how hard you had been working during the crystallization event in Alstoria. Akito says it was a delightful conversation to hear about those events. You hurriedly say you were just going around, desperate, but that what happened was a result of everyone’s efforts together. Akito agrees that must be the case. The two of them smile. Then, Akito looks at the flower at his feet. Thanks to the rain that undid the crystallization, the flowers could bloom again, however they cannot survive without the sun. Julius says for the sake of the kingdom, and for the world, and for each other, they will do their best to help. That’s why he and Akito decided to come to the island.

You feel the emotion in their words and look directly into their eyes. You reassure them that you’re certain you’ll be able to find a way to bring the sun back on this island. You’ll work to do it together. Julius nods in agreement, and the three of you keep walking.


As you go along, you see some people talking in the distance. As if hearing your footsteps, they turn to you, and you realize they are Sakia and Lullus. The five of you exchange greetings, and Julius asks what they’re doing here. Lullus lifts up a test tube from around his neck and says they’re investigating the magical signature coming from the plants and buildings. When you inquire further, Lullus says this is the perfect time to explain. Sakia ushers you along, and you see ahead a stone gazebo.

Julius interrupts and asks if the brothers have any information. Droite reports that they had been surveying the island from the skies, but Gauche says they didn’t really learn anything in particular, just that the whole place has a bizarre feel to it, a type of magic he’s never felt before. Droite also mentions that there’s a village at the center of the island, but that it’s also strange. At Akito’s question, Droite says it’s hard to describe, but that there’s definitely something going on. After all, the whole place has fallen to ruin. You feel an indescribable sense of unease settle over you as they share the information. Still, you resolve yourself that you’re here to find a way to chase away the clouds. You tell the others it’s likely you’ll find a clue in the village. Fllayg says there should already be an expedition team there gathering information, composed of Sefir and Ster. The unease diminishes as you hear the names.

Regardless of all this, Apollo says it would be inefficient to move in a group, so he turns and heads off in a different direction. Heldt says he’ll go to the village, along with Fllayg. You agree to meet up later. Gauche and Droite agree to take to the sky again and see if anything has changed or they notice anything new. Gauche takes off first, and when Droite shouts at him to wait, Gauche says he doesn’t need to come along since he’s an idiot. You, Julius, and Akito head out to investigate on your own.


Paying careful attention to your surroundings, you and Akito walk down a small stone path. Akito is impressed at the flowers growing here despite the lack of sun, but says they need to hurry and get the flowers back for the same of Vilastine and Bloomeria. Julius agrees. You mention that you’d heard the damage to those two kingdoms was especially severe. Julius hesitantly agrees, considering how important the flowers and plants are to both kingdoms. Akito says they were all made keenly aware of their powerlessness when they couldn’t do anything in the event of the crystallization. Yet the people are strong, and they will overcome. At that moment, Akito seemed to be lost in memory and he looked sad. You wonder how deep the scars on their hearts go, for both Akito and Julius. Your heart is pained as you remember both kingdoms as they were before, full of vibrant, beautiful flowers with the sun pouring down on them.

At that moment, Julius thanks you. He heard from Gerber how hard you had been working during the crystallization event in Alstoria. Akito says it was a delightful conversation to hear about those events. You hurriedly say you were just going around, desperate, but that what happened was a result of everyone’s efforts together. Akito agrees that must be the case. The two of them smile. Then, Akito looks at the flower at his feet. Thanks to the rain that undid the crystallization, the flowers could bloom again, however they cannot survive without the sun. Julius says for the sake of the kingdom, and for the world, and for each other, they will do their best to help. That’s why he and Akito decided to come to the island.

You feel the emotion in their words and look directly into their eyes. You reassure them that you’re certain you’ll be able to find a way to bring the sun back on this island. You’ll work to do it together. Julius nods in agreement, and the three of you keep walking.


As you go along, you see some people talking in the distance. As if hearing your footsteps, they turn to you and you realize they are Sakia and Lullus. The five of you exchange greetings, and Julius asks what they’re doing here. Lullus lifts up a test tube from around his neck and says they’re investigating the magical signature coming from the plants and buildings. When you inquire further, Lullus says this is the perfect time to explain. Sakia ushers you along, and you see ahead a stone gazebo.

Chapter 2

In the shadow of a bridge, covered in clouds, you see something growing…-.

At the gazebo, you meet with Toni, and you’re surprised to see him here helping with the investigation. He says he’s just helping Sakia and Lullus with their work, since the world is in crisis and all, so they might as well be friendly with each other. Toni then goes on to say that he can’t use some of his special techniques for stealing since people aren’t going outside to take naps in the sun or having tea outside. How very Toni-like. You feel better in the wake of Toni’s bright and positive attitude. You realize everyone must be suffering, but they’re all doing their best. You won’t be beaten down either.

You thank Toni, though he doesn’t know what you’re thanking him for, and he says you can ask him for anything any time. After all, no one has fingers as skilled as him. As Toni praises himself, Lullus holds out his test tube and asks Toni to pour a measured amount onto the flowers and watch what happens. Toni complies. Sakia asks if Toni took down a memo to note the changes in the color of the grass he was working on earlier. Lullus starts to ask him something else, but Toni interrupts with a shout and says to just have him do one thing at a time. Still, the three looked to be having a good time. It’s a strange trio, but they seem to be getting along well.

Akito asks what they wanted to show you, and Sakia slowly starts to explain. The vegetation around this area has a vastly different composition than what grows on the ground. He pulls out a test tube with a teal liquid inside. You ask what it is, and Sakia explains that it’s preserved Dragon’s Tears from the crystallization event. He carefully plucks a flower and drips a small amount of the liquid onto it. The flower starts to glow immediately where the liquid touched. Lullus explains that if these had been normal flowers, they would have begun crystallizing. It’s possible that the vegetation around here, being different from on earth, has special properties or magical attributes.

Sakia wanted to ask Droite about it, but he hasn’t had the chance. Lullus says they’ll handle things for now but asks that if you see Droite to tell him about this. Julius agrees to do so. Toni is sure there’s a clue somewhere on this island, and you agree. You remember what Roie said about the dragons and the Heavenly Blue Stone. You cannot fathom what happened to this island. Akito asks if you’re alright, and you say you’re fine, but that Roie was probably right about there being a connection between all this and the Heavenly Blue Stone. Julius agrees that it’s possible, but that it’s dangerous to act on hunches and guesses. Still, he feels you’re getting closer to the truth. Akito agrees and says you should continue investigation.

You hesitantly agree. Saying your goodbyes to Sakia, Lullus, and Toni, the three of you continue on. The breeze strokes the nape of your neck and sends a chill down your spine.

Chapter 3

Sometime after parting with Sakia and the others, you happen to pass by a cave, and only your footsteps echo within. You investigate the rocks and surrounding area, seeing that it points towards the center of the island. You realize this must be the entrance to the town. Akito says it does seem that way, and Julius says this may be a good time to meet with Fllayg and Heldt to exchange information. As you are about to agree, your vision waivers.

Suddenly, in front of you is a different scene. Flames lick up the side of a beautiful building you remember seeing before. You’re frightened, unaware of what’s going on. As you reflexively try to run from the building wrapped in crimson flames, you hear a voice. The voice calls out the name of someone else, but you can’t make it out. It says he must observe the judgement. The sudden voice surprises you and you turn around. A little ways away, you see a man and woman with horns, they’re shoulders shaking with labored breathing. You recognize the man’s brilliant red hair from an earlier memory. The woman with horns cries out that a certain person has left the island, but now things had come to this. Confusion, sadness, despair… all of these emotions are carried in her voice. The flames have reached the ceiling now, growing even stronger. The man with red hair says he’s sorry to the person whose name you cannot make out, sorry that he couldn’t protect their special place. You can hear the tears in his voice. The place where he stood is soon engulfed in flames.

Julius calls your name, snapping you back to your senses, and you find yourself being supported by him. You ask what happened, and Akito says you suddenly collapsed. You were making noises as if you were in pain, like you were having a nightmare. You say you saw a strange dream, similar to what you’d seen when you were on the air ship. You know the boy with horns that you saw then was the same person in the dream just now. You explain the dream to Julius and Akito. Julius wonders if the horned people are related to the dragon people that lived here long ago. You think that’s the case, but you don’t know why you keep seeing these visions. It was so vivid, as if it had actually been happening. Thinking that, your skin breaks out in goosebumps. You wrap your arms around yourself, suddenly overcome with an unpleasant cold.

Akito is worried, saying you should return to the air ship to rest. You brush it off, saying you’re fine. You apologize for worrying them, but that you want to keep going. You have to see it through to the end with your own eyes, because perhaps the island is trying to tell you something. You slowly stand, away from Julius’ support. Akito and Julius exchange a look, then let out a sigh. Julius reluctantly agrees to let you keep going. However, you’re not allowed to do anything rash. If anything happens, you tell them. You agree, and thank them. You fix your gaze ahead. You can just make out the village through the stone gateway.

Chapter 4

You soon arrive in the town built of stone. The air is incredibly quiet around you and the town doesn’t seem at all like a place that had been abandoned and fallen to ruin. In fact, it seemed as if a person could walk out of one of the buildings at any moment. Even Akito tilts his head in confusion as he looks up at the stone walls. He says that the town had long ago fallen to ruin, or so he’d been told. Yet the townscape here is beautifully kept. Julius agrees, saying it shouldn’t be this nice considering the many years and months that have passed. Yet he knows that Record had documentation saying it had fallen to ruin. You don’t know what this means. You look around, then hear someone’s voice.

Heldt calls out to you, lively as ever, as he walks over with Ster beside him. Ster says they just met up a little while ago, then greets you. You’re glad he seems to be doing well. Julius asks about the state of the town, and Heldt says they haven’t found anything major, but that the town is in this weird state. There’s just no explanation for the town to be this way after so many years.

Ster turns his face upwards, his beautiful eyes filled with stars, as if he’s searching for something. He says it’s not just the village, but that he can hear an incredibly strong wish emanating from the island itself. Yet for some reason the voice is broken and intermittent. You don’t understand how an island that is empty of people could express such a strong desire. The mystery deepens, as does your confusion.

Heldt then says while they were investigating, he heard a voice and thinks he saw a child with horns. However, the voice and child only appear sporadically from time to time. That piques your interest. Akito says it might have something to do with your dreams, and you then start to explain the strange dream to Heldt and Ster. But you suddenly hear a cheerful laugh come from directly behind you. You suddenly see two boys with horns running down the town street. Julius calls out in surprise, and you call out for the two boys to wait as you run after them. You hear the others follow.

The boys seem to be unaware of your group following as they smile to each other and press in close to each other. One of the boys pulls a small flower from his pocket. The first boy says it’s a flower from the ground, and that his older brother picked it. The second boy says it’s even prettier than the flowers on the island, and that they should show the others. Holding the precious flower, the two boys round the street corner. Who are they?

You follow them around the corner, but run into something. You’re about to lose your balance and fall when someone grabs you around the back. Apollo’s face fills your field of vision as you look up. He asks what you’re doing. You reflexively hold your breath as you realize just how close his face is. You try to get out an apology. Sefir is there too, beside Apollo, and asks if you’re alright. The others follow behind you, and you end up explaining about the horned boys to Apollo and Sefir.

Apollo says they didn’t see anyone like that, and Sefir confirms. The road is a straight line with no forks, so there’s no way they’d have missed it. Heldt wonders what this could mean as he’s sure he saw the boys. No one has an answer. Akito breaks the silence, asking Apollo and Sefir what they’re doing. Sefir says he had met up with Apollo and they were exchanging information. They didn’t see the two boys you saw, but that he’d also seen others with horns. This shocks you, but Sefir and Apollo explain that they didn’t react to anything they said. You say it’s similar to the boys in that they seemed to not hear you. You wonder what on earth is going on.

Sefir then says he’s unsure if it’s related, but when he was coming down from Ange in the sky, he thinks he noticed a dragon flying and circling around the island. This is a shock as well, and Sefir says he’s unsure what the supposed dragon’s intentions were. Heldt says it’s one riddle after another. Ster says the voice of the wish is the same, and that at the same time he can hear a cutting pain and sadness in it. He wants to free the owner of that voice from their suffering. The air is heavy now as you look around at the pristine stone buildings. The happy boys with the flower are nowhere to be seen. A ruined island and phantom children… who could they be?


You part ways with Ster and Sefir who are returning to their own investigations. You finish telling Apollo and Heldt about the dreams, the two listening intently. Heldt is curious if the building you saw in both dreams was the same one, and if there might be a clue there. You agree that it’s the same, but if what you saw in your dream actually happened, then the building would have burned to the ground. You remember the building and the interior, engulfed in burning flames… and you remember the crying face of the young boy as he apologized. You feel as if you’re suffocating.

Apollo asks if you’ve still not encountered the Heavenly Blue Stone. Heldt says he hasn’t heard anything from Ster, Sefir, or any of the others. Akito suggests you look for it now, or look for the building from your dreams. Julius says that even if it burned down, if it was a place of prayer, it was likely very important and there might still be something left of it. You decide to look around the island once more… and then realize Fllayg is missing. Apollo says he disappeared as soon as they set foot in the town, without saying a word. Heldt was going to call after him, but at that moment Sefir showed up… plus Fllayg isn’t a kid; he’ll come back on his own. You hesitantly agree. You’re sure he’ll be fine on his own, but still…

Akito suggests you all resume the investigation, and Apollo says time is limited, so it’s best to split up again and search. Everyone agrees. While worried about Fllayg, you begin searching for the Heavenly Blue Stone and the building from your dream.

Chapter 5

The stone town is wrapped in a stillness, as if it’s asleep…-

You and Heldt are investigating, walking down the streets and keeping your eyes open for anything unusual. You recall hearing that Heldt’s kingdom suffered comparatively little damage from the crystallization, so you ask how the reconstruction is going. Heldt replies that it’s going well, though the people are still anxious. You look up at the sunless sky and think there probably isn’t a single person who isn’t anxious about the events. Heldt seems the same as always, but you’re certain he’s struggling too. You start to thank him for his help in the investigation, but he interrupts you, saying there’s no need for thanks. If these events continue and spread, everyone will be affected. People everywhere are looking up at the cloudy sky every day, full of unease, and he doesn’t like it. He vows to erase that unease that has gripped the people, swearing on the crimson red of his kingdom. You see his conviction glitter in his green eyes, and it encourages you as well. You tell Heldt he always cheers you up, and he smiles in embarrassment, pushing up his bangs and claiming that you’re just flattering him. But he does want to act kind of cool in front of you. The world is in peril, and you recognize it’s important to reach out and help each other now. That act will lead you to the light of hope. And that’s why you insist on thanking Heldt for helping you. Heldt is momentarily surprised before he smiles and lets out a sigh. He gracefully takes your hand and places a gentle kiss on the back of it. Heldt says it is the highest honor to receive such words from the princess. You smile back at him.


As you continue the investigation, Heldt suddenly stops in surprise. You look towards where he’s pointing and see a small building on the street corner. In front of it are a young boy and girl with horns on their heads walking around while holding hands. The young girl is saying that they absolutely have to be quiet in the cathedral, and the young boy replies he’ll do it properly when he’s praying. As you listen, you think back to the grand building from your dream. Heldt suggest following them. You agree, and the two of you quietly follow after the boy and girl.

After a little while, you arrive at a large building at the center of the town. It takes your breath away, and for some reason the grandiose building feels familiar. The young boy hurries on, the girl trailing along behind him. Heldt calls your attention to something, and you realize Fllayg is standing in front of the building, looking up at the closed doors. Fllayg turns as if he could hear the children, but they pay him no mind and pass straight through him and the door. Both Fllayg and Heldt are surprised at their ghosting. Fllayg pats himself around the stomach where the children passed through as you rush over. He asks what just happened, and you explain they were probably dragon children that used to live here. Heldt explains that other people have been appearing periodically all over the town. When Heldt asks what Fllayg is doing, Fllayg explains that he was searching inside of the buildings when he came across something strange, then he noticed this conspicuously large building and made his way over. When asked what he found, Fllayg says the homes are all too ‘normal’. The interiors of the private homes are all identical, as if a family had just finished sitting down for a meal. You and Heldt explain everything else that happened, and Fllayg stands there with his hand on his chin, thinking. He believes the children and others are similar to ghosts. You’re unsure of this though, considering they appear so real, and you can even hear their voices.

Rather than replying to Fllayg, you look up at the building. You think there could be a clue inside. You instinctively reach for the door, but Fllayg stops you. With a smile, he says he’ll go first. The door opens, and through the crack you can suddenly see the glow of crimson flames enveloping everything, the heat pricking at your skin. It’s so intense you can’t keep your eyes open. You put your hand on Fllayg’s to stop him from opening the door the rest of the way. Fllayg and Heldt ask what’s wrong. Unable to hide your shaking, you can only cast a quick glance at the door as you explain this is the place from your dreams. Haltingly, you continue, saying that it’s on fire, just like in your dream. The flames are everywhere. Your voice and body tremble at the memory. Fllayg looks at you quizzically. The inside of the building wasn’t on fire from what he could see. Now it’s your turn to be confused as you look at Fllayg. The building wasn’t on fire? Heldt doesn’t really get what’s going on, but since it’s the building from your dream, he suggests everyone uses caution. For now, he’ll go call over Apollo and the others while you wait with Fllayg. Fllayg smiles and bows his head while Heldt places his hand on your head, promising to be back soon.

With Heldt gone, you explain more in detail about your dreams to Fllayg. You tell him about the two boys praying in the cathedral, and the people in the fire. You speak slowly and carefully, recalling the memories that make your heart ache.

Chapter 6

The clouds move slowly across the sky…-.

Having finished explaining your dreams to Fllayg, you both look up at the door. Fllayg’s eyes grow cold for a moment as he stands in silence, then reaches out to open the door. You tell him to wait for the others, but Fllayg says there’s no need to worry. His smile is in contrast to the coldness you saw in his eyes. He promises that if anything happens, he’ll protect you. Then he opens the door. You brace yourself, expecting the sea of flames, but inside the building is quiet. There is no fire, despite what you saw before. As you stand there in confusion, the sound of Fllayg’s shoes clicking on the floor echoes. Brilliant stained glass casts a rainbow at his feet as he walks. A horned man also stands in the light, and Fllayg stops in surprise. Keeping his gaze fixed on the man, Fllayg silently draws his sword. You then notice his beautiful hair, red like the sunrise, and find you recognize it.

The young man speaks. From either side of him jump the young boy and girl from before. The young boy addresses the man as Fio and asks him to pray with them. The girl agrees, wanting to pray that everyone on the island will always be happy and healthy. That they’ll smile every day. The boy and girl spin around the young man, clearly enjoying themselves, and the young man, Fio, places his hands on their heads. He addresses them as Monica and Guido. Fio asks for them to go pray first and that he’ll join them later. Monica is upset at this and pouts, and you notice her body slowly begin to fade. Guido says that if Brother Fio won’t pray with them, it’ll be lonely. Then his body also begins to fade. Their voices grow distant, and the two disappear into the light. Out loud, you ask what’s happening, and the young man looks at you calmly as he introduces himself as Fio.

Just as he says his name, you hear the door open behind you, followed by the sound of running. Heldt, Apollo, Julius, and Akito come to stand near you. Heldt begins to berate Fllayg because he went on ahead, but then he notices Fio and stops talking. Apollo questions the man, asking who he is as he places his hand on his sword. Fio just smiles kindly, at ease even in the face of the people around him. Fio says this is perfect timing, as he had a request for everyone. Julius and Apollo question him on this. Apollo’s voice is low, but Fio just calmly looks around the interior of the cathedral. His eyes are sad, just like in your dream. Fio muses that he thinks this island fell to ruin some time ago, and that it’s somehow been resurrected. When you ask about the others, he says they are illusions. That calm townscape, the people, their voices, all of it is simply an illusion. Monica, Guido, and even he are no longer of this world. This surprises you.

As you try to ask Fio what’s going on, he lets out a chuckle and looks up. You follow his gaze and see a stone hanging in the air, glowing. Fio says that gem is the stone you have been looking for: The Heavenly Blue Stone. Fio then confirms your suspicions that everything that has happened has been because of the stone. When you ask what he means, he tells you to not be so impatient as he’ll explain everything.

Long ago, the Heavenly Blue Stone belonged to the people of the Dragon Clan. Its secret power was only a legend. Fio speaks as if he recalls those days fondly, and Fllayg and Apollo both take their hands off their swords as they listen. People of the Dragon Clan were said to possess strong magic, and the Heavenly Blue Stone was able to grant their dearest wish. The greater the wish and the stronger the desire, the more it would take to fulfill. If a great wish was granted, it would cover the world in black. At this you are reminded of the clouds covering the world. Fio says that no one really knew if the legend was true or not, but people would still pray to the stone. Never for anything unreasonable, just for things like the happiness for the people as you saw with the children. That was the way of the dragon people, who were proud and gentle, that Fio and another held dear.

When Fllayg asks who this other person is, Fio says his name is Ray. Ray was the son of the leader of the Dragon Clan, set to succeed the clan leader when he grew too old. Fio explains he is of similar standing to the princes that live on the ground. He lets out a sigh full of sorrow. He goes on to explain hesitantly that the one who prayed on the Heavenly Blue Stone for all of this was that same Ray. Ray was blessed with naturally strong magic and sent it and his prayers into the stone for days trying to bring his people back. Even though Fio seems to be in pain as he speaks, his tone remains honest and detached. Julius asks what happened on the island, and Fio takes a deep breath before continuing.

According to Fio, they were attacked by the people of the ground. One night, they managed to launch their attack with all the force they could muster and burned everything to the ground. On that day, Ray had gone below, because the children had said they wanted to see a flower that grew on the ground. When he returned to the island, he was met with that disastrous spectacle of everything turned to ash.

The thought of losing everything, seeing it burned, and the people you love being gone forever grips your heart tightly and leaves you speechless. Akito asks then if Ray had used the power of the Heavenly Blue Stone to try and restore all that was lost that day, and Fio nods. He says Ray had loved everyone from the bottom of his heart, but those events hardened his heart, killing it. He chose to make his wish despite knowing what would happen to the world. But Fio doesn’t want to see his friend’s heart wither any more than it already has. The dead cannot be resurrected. Even Fio is only a reflection of the memories from Ray. At that, Fio looks down at his own clenched fist, and just like the children, his body begins to fade away. He apologizes for showing you such terrifying things, and you realize Fio was the one who had been sending you the visions. You nod, trying to tell him it’s alright.

“Princess,” beseeches Fio, “and the princes of the Dream World. Please… please. Destroy the Heavenly Blue Stone and stop Ray… stop by beloved friend.”

Fio’s voice grows more distant, and his body dissolves into small specks of light. For a while, you all stand there, speechless.

Chapter 7

No matter the amount of sadness in the air, the light still shone brilliantly through the stained glass…-.

Not allowing yourself to fall into despair, you tightly clench your fist. Everything on this island that you’ve seen so far has been because of Ray’s wish. He wanted to get back his normal life even at the cost of the rest of the world. Even though Fio had disappeared, the Heavenly Blue Stone continues to shine as it floats in the air. You know that if you destroy that stone, the Dream World will return to normal, but as for Ray’s wish… You know what you have to do, but yet you can’t make yourself reach out towards the stone.

Fllayg asks what’s wrong, breaking through your thoughts with a voice that echoes in the cathedral. He says that breaking the stone would solve everyone’s problems, so you should get on with it so you can all return home. His voice is calm, with not even a hint of emotion in it. He raises an eyebrow, clarifying that this is what you came to the island to do, isn’t it?

You turn your gaze back to the Heavenly Blue Stone, trying to flee from Fllayg’s eyes. You don’t know what the right thing to do is. You don’t even know if this problem has a right answer. But you know that Fllayg’s right, that this is what you came here to do. Your heart still in turmoil, you reach out to grasp the Heavenly Blue Stone… when suddenly a massive black dragon bursts through the doors of the cathedral.

?????? [I somehow missed screenshotting this part in my first run through and now my game crashes any time I go in and try to read event stories. I’ve tried fixing it (cache clear, resource redownload, and completely reinstalling the game), but nothing works. So, I’m not sure what happens in this section. Clearly Ray bursts in and then changes form into his human aspect but that’s all I can figure.]

Apollo demands the identity of the man. There is a moment of silence, and Apollo again demands an answer. The man takes a breath before looking away. He responds slowly, saying he is the last unsightly soul living on the island. The last dragon person. Understanding what this means, Akito voices that this must be the person Fio spoke of: Ray. Hearing that name, Ray says there is no one left to call him by that name. The way he speaks and murmurs to himself pricks at your heart. Fllayg remarks that for the Dragon Clan to be able to take on the forms of dragons is a very interesting power to have. Fllayg’s comment seems highly inappropriate given the time and place, and Julius glances at you. Feeling the relief brought to you as you hold the Heavenly Blue Stone to your chest, you give a slight nod to Julius.

Ray claims that your band of outsiders should not touch the stone and need to return to the earth. He will not forgive anyone who gets in his way. Unable to understand the emotions behind his expression and his words, you shake your head. You say that you cannot return. At this rate, you won’t be able to bring back any normalcy to the people below. Searching for a way to do so, your party had come to this island. Ray ridicules you, a sneer on his face for saying such things, and the air around you begins to vibrate. He accuses the humans on earth of being the ones to originally steal away that normalcy. So, what’s so bad about trying to bring back that which was destroyed? Ray looks around at each of you in turn, the contempt clear in his eyes.

He then looks at you, saying he knows of the Princess of Traumere. The one and only person who can provide dreams to the people of the Dream World.

?????? [There’s more here that I wasn’t able to screenshot the first time around, so again I’m not sure what the leadup is into the next chapter]

Chapter 8

The clouds continue to dance as Ray soars overhead, back in his dragon form. Apollo and the others draw their swords together and aim at Ray. He doesn’t flinch from the swords as he continues to attack, aiming for the Heavenly Blue Stone which you still hold.

Julius comments that Ray is surprisingly fast given the size of his body, to which Apollo says you just need to bring him down then. Apollo, his eyes fixed on Ray, lifts his hand, and a jet of red-hot flame erupts in the sky. Ray’s eyes open wide as his body is engulfed in the swirling jet of fire, forcing him to stop. But it’s only for a second. He expands his wings and once again rushes you. As his razor-sharp talons approach, you suddenly hear the crack of gunfire cut through the air.

Heldt had fired a shot from his rifle at Ray, forcing him to turn. In that instant, Julius, Akito, and Fllayg move in front of you. Heldt yells at you to get down, Akito agrees, and Fllayg says that if they can’t stop Ray now, you won’t have a chance to break the stone. As Ray’s talons clash with Julius’ sword, Heldt fires his rifle again. At the same time, Akito and Fllayg turn their blades on Ray.

You can see that Ray’s dragon body is covered with injuries. You know it’s natural to want to return things to the way they were before, but to go so far… you bemoan the fact that everyone has gotten so injured over it. Wanting to protect the things important to them, everyone is getting hurt. Your heart aches unbearably, but you can’t turn away from the battle in front of you.

Apollo, who was keeping the flames around Ray’s body, has a face twisted in pain. You shout his name. You know that Apollo has the ability to wield this massive fire power, but the more he uses the power, the more strain it puts on his heart. Heldt shouts, asking Apollo what’s wrong, but Apollo brushes it off, telling them to keep attacking so as not to give Ray a break. You know Apollo would never say if he was actually in pain, and he keeps fighting despite the sweat you can see dripping from his face.

Like a flash of lighting, Ray bares his fangs even as he raises his voice to the sky. The black clouds shake at his roar, but to you it sounds like a cry of grief.   

[Ray POV]

My eyes kept getting distracted by the nearby flames even as I glare at the princes below. Those crimson flames keep bringing up memories of that terrible day. Ah, how I hate that color from the bottom of my heart.

I don’t know how long I stood there on that day, flower in hand, looking out at the scene of destruction. The smell of burning and the smoke stinging my eyes were still all vivid memories. I wandered the island for so long, looking for survivors.

If only I hadn’t gone down to the earth.

If only I had returned sooner.

I should have…


I had continued to live on in that burned-down town, just another of the ghosts. I would never hear someone laughing in those ruins ever again. The buildings started to crumble and collapse. My island… my home that I had built and lived in with everyone…

“…I don’t need a miracle,” I said, “just…give me back my home… and the things I’ve lost.”

My tears have long since dried up. No one was there to give me an answer, just the wind caressing my face and forcing my gaze up to the sky. Even though my home had been forever changed, the sun still shone brightly down on the earth below. That’s when I suddenly thought of the Heavenly Blue Stone, the Dragon Clan’s treasure… I remembered the legend, which my father had drilled into my head. The Heavenly Blue Stone could grant the wish of someone from the Dragon Clan. And I had only one wish. And so, I spent my time searching for the legendary stone. Once found, the brilliant stone seemed to respond to my magic and started to shine even brighter. I asked the stone to give me back those peaceful days. The brilliant sky-blue stone floated into the air…

[Princess POV]

Ray continues to take the attacks then, possibly because of reduced stamina, he changes back into his human form. Falling to his knees, you hear him growl faintly as he glares at everyone. You realize he will do anything to get back that which he lost, even at the cost of himself. Ray’s breathing is labored even as Heldt and the others watch him closely. The flames around Ray disappear quietly, and Apollo sways on his feet before stepping forward. He warns you not to get too close. The flames coil around Apollo’s sword, which he points to Ray with a glare. But Ray responds with a similar look in kind.

Ray shouts, telling you to grant his wish, and saying he won’t let anyone get in his way. The trident he holds in his hand glints and moves towards you in a flash. Akito moves to block the prongs but is pushed back by the force of the blow. Julius rushes forward to help but is knocked aside by the trident. As you shout his name, he tells you the wound isn’t enough to be concerned about. He slowly stands and brandishes his sword again. Akito speaks to Ray, saying he cannot fathom the depth of loss he must feel, nor how long he must have existed alone with that bitterness. Even as Ray stays silent, Akito continues and says that Ray of all people should understand the fact that they won’t back down from this. Just like him, everyone is wielding their weapons now to get back that which was lost.

Ray’s gaze is sharp, and he swings his trident again even as Akito tries to push it back. Akito’s defense is destroyed, and with a move that shows his prowess with handling the weapon, Ray moves to strike again… but Heldt steps in, firing his rifle from a blind spot where Ray hadn’t seen him. Heldt says he has no intention of denying Ray’s volition, however it’s just as Akito said. You cannot back down now. Just as Ray deeply cared for his home and his people, everyone is fighting to protect those same things. They will fight him to the end.

Ray shouts, telling them to be silent. His voice rises into the sky in anger, and he seems at a loss of what else to say in the face of Akito and Heldt’s declarations. That’s when you realize Ray isn’t mad at you. There’s sadness, and regret, and not just anger at those who attacked the island. No, you think he’s most angry with himself. His eyes reflect the light of the sun as it fades, looking as if they’re on the verge of tears even as the sky turns dark. You find yourself unable to speak in the face of those overwhelming emotions.

Fllayg remarks that Ray is like a child throwing a tantrum. Ray apparently hears this though, as he points his trident towards Fllayg. Ray angrily orders him to repeat those words, but Fllayg remains nonchalant and calmly returns his gaze. Fllayg sarcastically apologizes but says he does understand what Ray is feeling. But in what way will he not forgive them? And in what way will his wish be granted? Ray should be the one acting on his own at this point, especially because his wish is apparently so strong. You can see the grin on Fllayg’s face even as he speaks dispassionately. His face is cold, yet beautiful, captivating you. Fllayg continues on to the matter at hand. Ray has lost his purpose, and lost track of what was happening around him. Fllayg deftly disarms the trident. You wonder if that had been Fllayg’s intention the whole time. His words had pull on your heart again, and you once more become aware of the tension in the air around you.

Ray says that everyone just keeps getting in his way, and shouts that none of you could ever understand the magnitude of his loss. At that shout, Ray takes in a deep breath from the cloud-covered sky.

What you want to protect and what Ray wants to protect… neither side will let go, and this battle will not end.

You don’t know what you should do, even as pain clamps around your heart. You simply look at Ray, brandishing his trident.

Chapter 9

In the blink of an eye, everything went dark…-.

His eyes once more filled with intense animosity, Ray turns his trident on everyone. This time, Julius speaks out. He knows he cannot understand Ray’s pain and loss, but upon hearing his words, he can feel the pain and tightly grips at his chest. Akito shows concern for Julius, but Julius turns his attention back to Ray. He is of the same mind as Akito and believes Ray should not overlook what he can do now.

Ray wonders who ever said he was overlooking anything. The concern of the princes is unrelated to what is happening now, and he cannot give up. His trident clashes again with the swords of Julius and Akito.

You’re certain Ray must be at his limit by now. His movements have become sluggish, and his body is painful to look at. You can’t help but wonder, if the fighting continues and a side emerges victorious, will it be the right one to have their wish granted? Even if those normal days are returned after the fight, will you still hold them dear as you did before? Ray, who fights now for those days to return, and your party who are weighed down by the events of the falling Dragon’s Tears. You and Ray are the same. You fight to protect the things important to you.

Apollo lets out a short sigh beside you. He remarks that the fires of revenge that burn in Ray are out of control. He wreathes his sword in crimson flame once again, and vows to end this. Ray curses, trying to block the flames, but his body is already worn out. As Ray is about to be struck down, you realize you don’t want to get your peaceful days back like this. You shout for Apollo to stop and run in front of Ray, arms out. Apollo’s sword stops as he looks at you. He tells you to move, but you ask him to just give you a little bit of time.

Apollo says nothing, but nods slightly, and you turn to Ray. Seeing him up close again, you become even more aware of the wounds all over his body. In your mind, you apologize to Fio for letting his friend get hurt, and not stopping this sooner. Looking into Ray’s eyes, you can see beneath the anger to an even deeper despair.

Ray tells you that if you have something to say, then say it. Do you have some complaint? An insult you’d like to throw? Will you, the Princess, shout at him for destroying your precious world? He’s interested to see what you’ll say. The air wavers as he feigns amusement and falls silent. You take a deep breath, then look at him.

OO: “…Fio.”

Ray: “…!”

You see recognition in Ray’s eyes as they falter at the mention of Fio’s name.

OO: “Fio told us that he wanted us to stop you. That he didn’t want to see his precious friend destroy his own heart like this.”

Ray: “…”

OO: “Ray… the people of the Dragon Clan that you loved so much, what would they wish of you now?”

Ray remains silent as the two of you are wrapped in silence. Ray takes a short breath, then turns away from your gaze.

Ray: “…how am I supposed to know that? I’ll never hear them again. Not Fio, not my family… there’s no one left.”

Ray mutters to himself, but you can hear the wavering in his voice. The Heavenly Blue Stone that you still hold continues to shed a beautiful light. You know that destroying this stone will return things to how they were on land. The sun will shine, the flowers will bloom

, and everyone will smile. But…

Breaking the stone will also take everything away from Ray, who stands before you, and you don’t think that’s right. So, you ask yourself again what is the right wish for the future, but again you search for an answer that can’t be found.

Julius calls your name in concern, and you nod to him. You tell Ray that you came here to destroy the stone, for the sake of that which you hold dear. He listens, even as he grits his teeth. You can’t even begin to imagine what’s going through his mind right now.

Fllayg hands you a dagger, telling you to use it, and that they’ll hold Ray back if he tries to interfere. Fllayg smiles, even as he points his sword at Ray.

If you break the stone, everything goes back to normal. But then this beautiful island, and the town, and the happy children running through it will all disappear. You keep thinking about the situation, but you still can’t decide what the right course of action is. You see Ray, poised to move, and the shining Heavenly Blue Stone, but you can’t look him in the eye even as you put the stone on the ground. As you raise the dagger up with a shaking hand, you swing down, breaking it in one go.

Chapter 10

The dark clouds disappear, the sun dyes the sky with a beautiful gradient, and the sight takes your breath away.

Heldt cheers in excitement, and Akito marvels at the beauty. Everyone looks up, taking in the beautiful view and the return of the light. You had almost forgotten how bright the sun could be as it decorates your hand. You glance over to see Ray looking up at the sky, wrapped in that same gentle light. Deciding they no longer wished to oppose Ray, everyone has sheathed their swords.

You quietly call Ray’s name, and he sways as he stands before looking back at the island. His eyes are full of a multitude of emotions as he looks at the town. He remarks that the houses on the island had all been filled with the uncountable hopes and dreams of the Dragon Clan, built up brick by brick.

Remembering the stone town, you recall how beautiful the buildings were, including the cathedral. It was all built by Ray and his people. And those wishes should have continued to pile up on top of each other, rather than having come to an abrupt end. Your heart burns in pain as you think of what Ray must be feeling.

Ray comments that there is no longer anyone to raise up their dreams together. The island, and those days, are gone forever. He is the one who remains, an unsightly existence, to go on living alone until his life ends.

Having destroyed the Heavenly Blue Stone, knowing of Ray’s pain and all that he carries on his shoulders, you don’t know what you could possibly say to that. At that time, the fragments of the Heavenly Blue Stone begin to glow with light. The light forms behind Ray’s back and takes on the shape of a person…


You reflexively call his name, and Ray turns to look. Ray’s eyes go wide, unable to hide his surprise as he sees Fio standing there.

Ray: “…Fio!”

Fio: “You were reckless Ray.”

Fio spoke as if they’d only seen each other yesterday. His smile was friendly, exactly the same young man you’d seen in your dream.

Fio: “Geez, just looking at you makes me anxious. No matter what the others might say of their prince… you’re awful beat up.”

Ray: “…”

Fio: “I’d like to take care of you but… sorry Ray, that’s not something I can do in this state.”

Ray’s eyes waver on hearing Fio’s words, and he blinks slowly as if trying to keep his emotions in check.

Ray: “Fio, why… why didn’t you show yourself, even once…?”

Seeing the anxiety in Fio’s expression as he looks at Ray, it’s easy to see that they are close friends. Ray’s voice wavers, and he walks towards Fio.

Fio: “…I was always with you Ray. But it just wasn’t in the way it used to be. You know that right? I’m not really here anymore. Ray, you should be looking at the future, not the past. Look towards those that are living in the world right now, living for a bright future.”

Ray: “That’s…”

Fio: “Ray. I got to spend my days as your close friend, laughing alongside you. That’s enough for me. If you were in my place, I know you’d say the same thing.”

Ray: “!”

Fio: “Thanks Ray. For going so far and doing your best… for all of us.”

Fio smiled kindly even as his body started to fade, his feet starting to break into specks of light.

Ray: “Fio…!”

Ray desperately reaches out his hand and grabs onto the light but…-.

Fio: “We’ll meet again Ray.”

With a promise to meet again, Fio vanishes without a sound.

You wonder if the last power of the Heavenly Blue Stone had granted Fio’s wish. Ray is silent, biting his lip, then he waves his strong hand.

Ray: “…hey.”

Ray faces your party, clearly struggling to get the words out.

Ray: “Don’t forget… don’t ever forget that the proud Dragon Clan once lived on this island.”

Ray turns then, fully facing the sun. He squints slightly, then takes on his dragon form. You call out for him to wait, and Julius is annoyed, saying he won’t let Ray just run off. At those words, Apollo and the others draw their swords. Ray, seemingly aiming for that gap in your defense, flies towards you. Julius shouts your name even as you squeeze your eyes shut in anticipation. But you just hear the air rush by your ears. When silence comes again, you slowly open your eyes. Ray is no longer there, instead somewhere off in the distance as everyone watches him. Then they all turn to you.

When you ask what happened, Heldt says Ray flew off towards the edge of the island, but doesn’t know if he’s alright. Fllayg ponders what you all should do, considering Ray is very hurt still and his energy should be spent. Akito wonders if he can even fly properly given his state even after transforming. Fllayg says there’s nothing to do if he’s flying, but if he lands, there’s a possibility of heading him off. But you don’t want to do something so rash. Without thinking, you try to rush to the edge of the island and look down, but a hand reaches out for your shoulder. Julius says to stop, and that you might fall. But you still worry for Ray, even knowing there’s nothing you can do.

Apollo holds his gaze fixed on you as he quietly walks over. He calls you an idiot, asking what they do if something happened to you now that the sun is finally back. He doesn’t think Ray is foolish enough to misjudge his own condition. Heldt agrees, especially since everyone fought so hard. Fllayg comments that the dragon people do indeed possess considerable power, but that Ray seemed even stronger than that. Julius says that regardless, at the very least they need to contact the other investigators about what happened. That you have destroyed the Heavenly Blue Stone, and that the sun has returned to the Dream World. Heldt agrees. Everyone smiles slightly as they look at each other in agreement. But you instead look to the sky once more.

You take in the beauty of the sun and feel its warmth over your entire body. You were able to bring that light back with your own determination. But there was still something lost in exchange. In exchange for these rays of hope, Ray’s wish… persuaded by the fact that you brought about this end, you make a promise on the sun to remember what Ray told you. To never forget the proud Dragon Clan. You swear you’ll never forget, nor will you forget Fio, Monica, or Guido, nor the dreams and wishes that filled this town. And of course, you will never forget Ray.

Akito calls your name, and you look at him. Everyone stops in their walking and turns towards you. Apollo asks what you’re doing, telling you it’s time to go. Akito tells you it’s okay to go slow and to watch your step. Then Julius sees Droite and Gauche flying in the distance. Fllayg remarks that he is quite jealous of the magicians, seeing as they don’t actually need to walk anywhere.

You were able to protect the days that everyone would spend together. You hope that someday Ray would find something in this world again to hold dear. You take a deep breath and start walking towards everyone. Looking to the sky one last time, you think you can almost see the shadows of the dragons flying above.

Chapter 11

The sun shines brightly in the clear blue sky…-.

Having finished your investigation of the Azure Isle, you and everyone else ride in Oswald’s airship. You wonder what happened to Ray, and you hope he’s at least somewhere he can feel the warm sun. As you look at the sky, someone claps you on the shoulder. Turning, you see Heldt smiling behind you. He tells you Thinpla and the others made tea and invites you for a drink. You nod and head towards everyone.


You claim a seat amongst Julius and the others as they drink from teacups. As if suddenly remembering something, Fllayg shifts his attention to you. He mentions that Navi didn’t come on this trip. You tell him Navi is taking care of matters in the various countries and making plans for repairs. You want to see him soon. You smile, clearly imagining Navi’s happy face as he greets you.

Akito mentions he wants to hurry back to his country and see the flowers. Julius says he can picture Gerber and the others jumping for joy. Akito agrees, thinking of Lyon on his dandelion fuzz as he comes to welcome them home. He starts to imagine Nepenthes… but thinks better of it. The airship continues to aim for the ground as the place is filled with cheerful conversation. You suddenly look beside you and see Apollo staring daggers at his teacup. You ask what’s wrong, and Apollo turns his death glare to the window. He says that he’s had a bad feeling ever since you destroyed the stone, like something rubbing him the wrong way or an ill omen. The seriousness of his expression has you putting your teacup back on its saucer.

The blue sky spreads out outside the window, without a hint of a cloud. But you feel a faint sense of unease, and you can do nothing but pray that nothing else will happen.


The fragments of the Heavenly Blue Stone fall into the ocean and slowly sink…-.

As they do, the clear blue light in the shards turns murky. In an instant, the surface of the sea suddenly freezes, and turquoise crystals blanket the area. With nobody there to notice, the crystals slowly begin to consume the sea.

[Continued in “The Endless Sky”]