Kairi is invited to Kaiten in the Land of Hot Springs. Not wanting to get caught up in anything, Kairi soaks alone in a footbath when Nayuta unexpectedly appears. At first, Kairi treats him with indifference, but he’s gradually dragged into Nayuta’s way of doing things. What words does Nayuta have for Kairi, who has lost his country and holds such a bitter past…?

The bright light of the moon fell over the city of Kaiten.

Nayuta: “How is it? The water temperature of the footbath.”

Kairi: “…you again.”

Nayuta, a cup of sake in his hand, suddenly appeared alongside Kairi, who was soaking in the footbath as he gazed up at the night sky.

Not minding Kairi’s scowl, Nayuta sat down across from him.

Kairi: “What are you planning, following me around? I told you I wanted to be alone.”

Nayuta: “People will misunderstand if you say I’m following you around. I just wanted to have a chat.”

Nayuta flicked his two tails, his smile open and honest.

Nayuta: “So, how is it? Are you enjoying the hot springs? There are plenty of hot springs all around Kaiten, as I’m sure you know. And the effects of each one is guaranteed to be authentic.”

Kairi: “I only came because I was invited. It’s not necessary for me to enjoy myself.”

Nayuta: “When you’re that on edge, it makes me want to spare no expense to ensure you enjoy yourself. Oh, I know. There’s a hot spring called the Merry Drinker. I think it would suite you perfectly.”

Kairi: “The Merry Drinker…?”

Nayuta: “Yes. Once you’re submerged, you’ll laugh so much it’ll make your stomach twist into knots.”

Kairi: “…you intend to subject me to public humiliation with that kind of ridiculous display?”

Nayuta: “But laughter is good for your health. And then, oh yes… there’s the Cat Spring where you can become like a cat for a short time.”

Kairi: “You’ve got to be kidding. Who would go in there?”

Nayuta: “So that’s a no? It’s a popular private spring though.”

Nayuta let out a sigh of regret, and Kairi looked at him with a gaze like cold water.

Kairi: “Did you come all the way to this footbath just to tell me all that? You sure have a lot of free time for the proprietor of Kaiten.”

Nayuta: “That’s not true. It’s also part of my job to check on and look after our guests. And I wanted you to come here to heal. Wanting of be of assistance with that, I simply persisted in coming after you.”

Kairi: “…”

Kairi heard the sudden seriousness to Nayuta’s tone, given that he’d been acting so detached before, and his eyes flickered slightly.

Nayuta: “This country is an ally to those who seek healing.”

Nayuta smiled under the streetlights and took a sip from the sake cup in his hand.

As if drawn in by that, Kairi also turned his gaze to the bustling streets of the town.

Nayuta: “There’s no one here who will hurt you or track you down. Remember that there’s no need for you to put on a bold front while you’re here.”

At the implication in those words, Kairi slowly turned back to Nayuta, but…

Nayuta had already gone, leaving the bath empty.

Kairi: “He’s a tough guy to pin down… did he leave this here for me?”

In the place Nayuta had been sitting was a plate with manjū buns.

Kairi: “No need to put on a bold front, huh… I wonder how long it’s been since I’ve been given that kind of peace of mind.”

Kairi murmured those words to himself, his voice drowned out by the sound of water.

Kairi’s expression underneath the moonlight seemed just a little calmer.