
Land of Pirates, Ancula…-.

A few days have gone by since the clouds that covered the skies across the worlds cleared up, and the sun now shines down on the sea below. Prince Orion stands outside the castle, surveying the azure blue. Everything appears as normal to his gaze, however his eyes sharpen.

“…something is happening in the ocean,” Orion says. “The tides and the fish remain unchanged, but… why do I feel so uneasy? What could be going on…?”

As Orion’s eyes narrow, a servant rushes up to him with a report. He speaks quickly, and Orion’s expression becomes grim. A threatening shadow is spreading across the calm seas…-.


Land of Pirates, Ancula…-.

You feel the wind brush against your cheeks as the bright sunlight reflects off the water. The sunlight feels good, however your eyes are fixed on the scene in front of you: a conspicuously large tower, bent and crooked as it stretches into the sky. It rises from the sea, ominous and made of crystals…-.

Kihel: “Whooooa… that tower really is huge looking at it from here.”

At some point, Kihel had come to stand next to you, and now holds a hand up to shade his eyes as he looks out at the tower. The two of you look out to the sea, having rushed to Ancula after hearing of this abnormal development. 

Kihel: “It really does fit the name ‘Azure Tower’ huh. You can even see the crystallization spreading out from it… all the way from where we are.”

Indeed, the surface of the sea around the tower had begun to crystalize and was gradually spreading out further. 

You had thought that the threat to the Dream World had ended once the skies had cleared… 

You think back to the events caused by the Heavenly Blue Stone and its subsequent destruction, which you thought had brought the events to an end. However, now this tower had suddenly appeared in Ancula. According to the information already gathered, the tower’s magic signature is the same as that of the Heavenly Blue Stone. You are certain that the Azure Tower was created from the stone. Although you destroyed the stone, its fragments must have contained some residual power and that power went wild when the fragments fell into the sea. You didn’t think the crystallization would spread in such a grand way as to cover the sea itself…

You continue to look across the sea at the crystal tower. It’s not over yet… and your thoughts turn to Ray, the one who had originally used the stone…

After the stone was destroyed, he had transformed into his dragon form and left the floating island. You hadn’t seen him since then, and even now you were unaware of his whereabouts.

You believe that the fragment that caused the Azure Tower to appear must be somewhere near the tower itself. You have to stop the Heavenly Blue Stone’s power for sure this time, before the crystallization spreads any further.

As you feel yourself giving in to unease while looking at the tower, you suddenly feel something patting your cheeks.

OO: “K-Kihel!?”

Kihel: “I was just thinking, you shouldn’t be looking so serious~.”

His smile is mischievous, but you can see the strain in his expression.

Kihel: “It’ll be alright. We’ll find the shard soon. Besides, you aren’t alone. Everyone’s looking for them!”

Kihel’s words are cheerful, and they feel as if they’re shining on your heart. You thank him for his kind words. But Kihel remarks that your thanks comes off as far too formal. As Kihel smiles, you notice two figures approaching: Graysia, Prince of Snowphilia, and Hanare, Prince of Kuyou.

Hanare reports that he’s finished their preparations and are about ready to depart. Meanwhile, Graysia remarks at the unease he’s noticed in the country and how everyone is walking on eggshells. At the moment, with the appearance of the Azure Tower, various kingdoms had sent their own representatives to help and everyone was now gathered in Ancula. Hanare remarks that he understands how the people feel, and that he had gotten worried when he couldn’t find you.

You apologize for worrying him and say you wanted to check on the tower again. Kihel agrees, saying it’s important to grasp the current state of things, plus you were safe since he was with you. However, Graysia remarks that it’s hard to feel at ease when Kihel, whose background remains a mystery, is the one with you. Kihel takes offense at this. You recall that as a Prince of Atlas, Kihel is dealing with some difficult circumstances that he hasn’t disclosed in detail to everyone, and you find it frustrating that you can’t explain this to the others. Graysia looks at you, searching for the right words, then lets out a sigh.

Graysia: “…don’t look at me like that. He’s someone you trust. I’m not doubting you.”

You can sense an unwavering bond between yourself and Graysia as you look into his eyes. You thank him.

Kihel: “Hmm… You come off as blunt and look pretty uptight, but I think you’re really a nice guy… You remind me of some other people I know. Probably.”

Graysia: “Who are you calling blunt!?”

Kihel: “Oh, you knooow~ You’re all tsundere but actually warm and fuzzy inside!”

Graysia: “Huh? What does that even mean…-“

Kihel: “Yeah, that! You’re probably not very well practiced with compliments either! I totally get it~”

As the two exchange their lively banter, Rosso, a Prince of Ancula, appears and remarks on how lively everyone is. Hanare asks if he has anything to report, and Rosso remarks that the ships are ready to set out towards the tower. He’s selected a route to avoid the crystallization, but needs to leave soon before it closes. Hanare thanks him for his work and remarks that he needs to finalize the preparations then. You also thank Rosso, and tell him you’re reassured to have him along. Rosso laughs, but remarks that it wasn’t his efforts alone that made this possible. A voice confirms this, and you see Orion, Prince of Aquaria. 

Orion remarks that Rosso should mention that both he and Douglas helped on this. Rosso replies that he and his crew on the Balenarossa could have handled it themselves, but he recognizes it went faster with Orion and Douglas’ help. At that, Orion sighs. Hanare remarks that their relationship seems pretty good and wonders if they’ve known each other for a long time. You’re the only one who hears, and you remark that they often quarrel like this. Hanare seems to understand that this means the more they fight, the more they get along. It’s something he sees often in Kuyou. You chuckle before turning back to Orion and the others, thanking them for all their help. 

Rosso says it’s no big deal, and Orion says it was your idea to even head for the tower, then pauses. In an instant, Orion’s expression darkens, but then you see him shake his head and his expression changes. He says it was nothing, and you keep your concerned thoughts to yourself. 

When you had initially started to gather information and form an expedition to the tower, you had initially proposed going with everyone else. There was a majority vote that opposed this idea, however…

Even now Orion says he doesn’t want you going, and Graysia agrees, asking if you’re really sure you want to join the expedition team. He remarks that you fought on the Azure Isle, and that there will probably be danger this time around too. Hanare remarks that everyone is worried for you. You take it all in, and clench your hand into a fist. 

OO: “You’re right. I don’t have any ability to fight. But I investigated the rain and traveled to an island floating in the sky… I’m the one who has seen the cause of all this disorder up close. And that’s the reason I think… I should be there. If we can stop these prolonged and terrible events from happening again, I want to help, even if it’s just a little. So… please, let me go with you.”

Kihel understands your feelings and agrees with you. He says you’re a strong and caring person who always wants everyone to smile. Rosso agrees, saying he’s always admired your bravery. Graysia nods slightly, saying he understands and that he can’t say no after that. They will all stand firm to protect you till the end. He smiles, and you see the trust there.

You thank them all for their understanding. Despite the anxiety building within… as you look at the princes gathered around you and their trustworthy expressions, you feel yourself filled with courage.


On a cliff by the sea, overlooking the Azure Tower, a solitary man stands…

He can see you and the others, gathered on the beach near the Azure Tower. 

Ray: “…looks like the power left in the Heavenly Blue Stone went wild. It’s possible that once it was destroyed, it’s intrinsic power was unleashed.” 

His calm eyes turn to the tower. He stares fixedly at something that lies within it, his eyes sharp.

Ray: “…this isn’t how I wanted to bring my family back.”

His hair whips in the sea breeze.

Ray: “…how ironic.”

His words are carried off into the wind, disappearing.

Chapter 1

You help with things around Ancula as you wait for the ship to set sail towards the Azure Tower…-.

Suddenly the weight of all the goods and bags your carrying eases, and you’re surprised to see Hanare carrying them for you, a load in each hand. You tell him you can handle it, but Hanare tells you not to worry as it’s good practice for him. Besides, it’s about time for the expedition to depart, and you should save your strength. You give in, thanking him, and Hanare tells you to think nothing of it. He just wants to help you.

A voice remarks about Hanare joining the expedition, and you see Kanoe, another Prince of Kuyou. He tells both of you to conserve your strength, and that he and the others will take care of things in the town. Hanare protests, saying there’s still some time, but at that moment some men who appear to be servants rush over to Kanoe, reporting that they’ve finished unloading the goods. Kanoe proceeds to give them their next task as he serves as the head of operations for those who came from Kuyou. He orders them to take the items Hanare is carrying, and the servants comply before heading off to their next task. You remark that Kanoe seems quite busy, and Hanare apologizes for inconveniencing him. Kanoe says this much is nothing, though you can see the anxiety in his eyes. He’s heard that you’ve been traveling about a lot since all the strangeness started happening, and he’s worried that you’re pushing yourself. You remark that you’re alright, and besides, you want to hurry and put things back the way they were. Kanoe says that’s the kind of answer he expects from you. He then tells you that you can always ask for help and don’t need to take on things by yourself. You nod in earnest, feeling reassured by his dependable smile.

As Kanoe returns to his work, you and Hanare share a look before getting back. On the way, Hanare asks what it is you’re trying to get back by returning things to the way they were. What were those days of normalcy to you? You find yourself at a loss for words under his earnest gaze. As you try to come up with an answer, you run into someone. Looking up, you find Dion, Prince of Ivia. He whispers into your ear that you seem to have grown more assertive since you last met, jumping into his chest the moment you see him like that. The comment makes your face flush red and you apologize, but Dion continues to hold you, saying he won’t let you run off.

At that moment, another person says they’ve finished tallying the supplies, and you see Altair, Prince of Galassia, accompanied by Ira and Vedy, Princes of Voltalia. Ira recognizes you, and Vedy yells at Dion, asking what he thinks he’s doing to you. Dion says he’s simply giving a greeting and he just happened to run into you. Ira calmly says that in that case, there’s no need for you to be so close, and Vedy starts to panic and tells Ira to calm down. Hanare asks if you know them all, and you introduce everyone. 

You comment on how everyone came to Ancula, and Altair says they had to come after hearing about the strange events taking place in the sea. After all, it was the people of the sea countries that helped in the search for the Stardust Flower.* However, Altair didn’t come just out of a sense of obligation to return that help. When people are in trouble, he wants to help, so this time its his turn. The same goes for the other princes from the Land of Stars, Vega and Deneb, who are also around helping. Your heart warms, seeing the bonds that everyone has. 

Ira says it’s somewhat similar for them, also having a past bond with the people here. Vedy comments that they were worried about Sarasa and the others, so they rushed over. You remember the events that led to Dion and the Princes of Voltalia getting brought together over Sarasa’s kidnapping. You wonder if Dion felt a sense of obligation after those events, but when you look at him, he just shrugs. Dion says not to look at him like that, and that you don’t need to worry. It’s just that he figured he’d come and see if there was any way for him to help. 

There’s a sense of understanding between the princes, and Altair says there are people in need of help. Ira says they must immediately make preparations, and Vedy agrees wholeheartedly. Altair thanks them, and heads off. Vedy calls to Dion to hurry up, and Dion comments that it’s a tough job keeping others in line. Though Dion mentions that he’d rather take his time and spend it leisurely with you, a word and a glare from Ira has Dion running after the others. 

Seeing the flurry of action from everyone in this situation causes you to smile a little. Hanare comments that everyone is quite lively, and you agree. You find yourself watching the princes of the different countries struggling together, forming bonds, and supporting one another. You realize you now have an answer for Hanare. You tell him that the days you want to get back are ones where the beloved people who live in this word are able to smile.

You smile at Hanare, who smiles back, as you watch everyone. They’re all so radiant to your eyes, as they move forwards towards the light.

TL Note: This event, Stardust Flower Blooming in the Sea, has been translated as well! If you haven’t read it yet, you can do so here.

Chapter 2

You all plan to hold a strategy meeting before departure, however with Orion nowhere to be found, you go out to look for him. Eventually, you find him standing alone on the beach near the town. You go to call out to him, but something about his posture and expression has you cutting off those words and stopping. His usually cold expression seems filled with a deep darkness as he looks at the crystalized sea. 

Though you didn’t call out to him, Orion suddenly looks towards you and meets your gaze. He says you should have spoken up, then asks if something is wrong, or if you have a message to deliver. As you tell him about the strategy meeting plan, you find yourself concerned with the expression he was making earlier. You ask him if something is wrong, but Orion says he doesn’t know what you mean. You refer to the sea, and his expression. He is, after all, a prince of one of the kingdoms that exists at the bottom of the sea. He starts to explain, but then dismisses it. Still, you’re certain the pain you see in his expression is from the state of the sea. Orion continues to look at you, then gives a small sigh.

When the Dragon’s Tears fell before, causing everything to crystalize, the sea had served as a buffer and protected everyone living beneath it. But now with the appearance of the tower, the sea is no longer safe. You follow his gaze out to the sea, and ask how his people are doing. Orion says that at present there hasn’t been any great damage, however if something were to happen, they’ve made arrangements for the people of the sea to seek refuge elsewhere. Sarasa and Corail have been very proactive in planning and doing whatever they can to protect their people. But while the people of Ancula view the sea as a blessing, it’s different for them. The sea is the place they were born and raised. They’re surely fearful of losing it and having nowhere else to go. Eventually that fear may cause them to start fighting.      

Orion looks up, as if trying to shake something off. He says that’s why as a prince who protects the sea, he has taken the lead on this project, in the hopes to stop the fighting. Slowly, he turns his sparkling yet cold gaze to you. You can sense his resolve as the Prince of Aquaria. You can’t help thinking of how strong he is. You find your own resolve strengthening as you see his. You tell him that you’ll fight, along with everyone else, to protect the sea and its people, no matter what. Orion smiles slightly, then says you haven’t changed a bit and are still a courageous princess. 

Chapter 3

The air is tense in the room where all the princes have gathered. Now is the time for the final strategy meeting before heading towards the Azure Tower. Rosso says it’s time to double check everything before departure, and Graysia nods as he spreads out the sea charts on the desk in front of him. He confirms that the ultimate goal of this expedition is to get inside the tower and bring back the fragment of the Heavenly Blue Stone, the cause of the tower’s formation and the sea’s crystallization. Orion remarks that the tower isn’t connected to any land formations and will have to be reached via sea. To do that, Douglas, another of the Princes of Ancula, has prepared his ship. Douglas currently stands next to Rosso, a refreshing smile on his face, as he says he’s itching to put his skills to use on this matter. Rosso isn’t super thrilled to be leaving things to Douglas at this point, but he says there’s not much to be done given the situation. 

Hanare confirms that the current assumption is that removing the fragment from the tower will stop the crystallization. However, Graysia says they don’t have a completely confirmed way of keeping its power in check afterwards. There’s still a possibility that it will cause something else to happen even if the crystallization in the sea is stopped. As such they will continue to search for a way to contain it. You wonder to yourself how this can be accomplished since you already tried to break the stone once. Graysia mentions that they’ve come up with one possibility. While the tower has rejected the incursion of other people, it doesn’t seem to have an effect on the princes carrying rings. Kihel thinks on this, eventually asking if the Heavenly Blue Stone then has some kind of relation to the Dream Power. Graysia says there’s a high possibility of this. Hanare follows their line of thinking and says that it’s possible your power would then be able to keep the rampant power in check. Graysia agrees that you may be able to exert some force on the shard, however it’s just conjecture at this point whether or not you can purify the shard. You feel your heart pounding at the sudden hope.

Rosso asks why the Heavenly Blue Stone would be at all influenced by Dream Power. You say that it’s possibly because the Heavenly Blue Stone was the thing that could grant the wishes of the Dragon Clan, and that those wishes were born of dreams. Kihel nods. He thinks that the fragment is still trying to fulfill the original owner’s dream and is going wild. If you use your ability to bestow dreams, it may be able to stop the shard. Ray’s image comes to your mind when Kihel mentions the original owner. Everything started with Ray’s dream; he is the reason for all of these things happening. Something indescribable fills you, and you aren’t able to pin it down as the conversation continues. 

Orion confirms what Graysia said, about all of this being conjecture, and Hanare says that even if you all bring the shard back, it doesn’t guarantee things will be safe again. The atmosphere is even more tense, but Rosso looks up, saying there’s a lot of unknowns at this point, but nothing will change if they don’t go. Douglas agrees, saying there’s always uncertainties on any voyage. Rosso begrudgingly agrees, continuing by saying that even in the darkest fog, you can move forward if you see just the faintest glimmer of light. That’s what it is to be a pirate. Douglas agrees. 

In the face of those constructive words, you vow to yourself that you’ll do your best to put things back to the way they were. You’ll jump in headfirst, no matter the dangers ahead. Graysia looks around at everyone, then says even with this new information, their plan hasn’t changed: safely remove the shard and stop the crystallization. As he starts to ask if there are any other questions, footsteps can be heard in the hallway and a soldier bursts into the room. He apologizes, but says there’s something strange happening with the tower. Graysia hurriedly asks for clarification. The soldier says there’s been a fluctuation in the tower’s magic, and the crystallization has started moving faster. Also, a large number of strange monsters have sprung up from the tower itself. This unexpected news seems to suck the air straight out of the room.


In the sky, ominous-looking creatures with dragon-like wings and a black luster hover in the sky. The creatures that came from the tower. The people are screaming and running at the sight while the princes try to move everyone to safety. Kihel directs the frightened people while Rosso asks if those things were created from the Heavenly Blue Stone as well. Graysia says that by the look of the wings, they appear to be dragons, and Hanare wonders if they’re related to the Dragon Clan. However, these creatures aren’t anything like what you saw on the floating island. Douglas says this isn’t the time to be standing around and thinking. The top priority is the safety of the people and preparing for battle. At Douglas’ order, the soldiers begin to move.

Orion says that the crystallization is indeed moving faster, and they don’t have time to wait. Hanare agrees, saying they need to cut off the source as soon as possible. Tensions increase as the people of Ancula need to be protected from the monsters and your team needs to retrieve the shard. Graysia calmly says everything will be alright, though it sounds like he’s trying to convince himself as well. These events don’t change what they had intended to do, so they need to hurry and fulfill their mission: break apart the source of all these abnormalities with their own hands, and protect what is precious. Everyone nods at his moving words. 

Douglas pauses, then says that if that’s the case, he’ll stay behind and fight to protect the people and take charge. You’re surprised at this, but Douglas says you can leave this to him. As a prince, he won’t let these monsters do as they please. He won’t let a single person get hurt. He smiles that reliable smile of his, then turns and runs off.

Chapter 4

You set off with a sense of composure on Rosso’s ship, the Balenarossa. The princes are on high alert aboard the ship, and even you have a watchful gaze fixed on the tower. Rosso mutters to himself about Douglas trying to be all cool and show off like that, and apparently telling Rosso that, just this once, he’ll leave the escorting of you to him. Obviously, Rosso will bring you back safely, regardless of what Douglas said. You thank them all for respecting your wishes to come along. Rosso glances at you, his hands firmly on the wheel of the ship, and smiles. He says it’s not about respect, and that you don’t need to be so formal. As a prince and a pirate, he can’t just leave the sea in this state. Besides, you were the one that decided you were going, and the destinations happened to be the same. So, Rosso is just opening a path for you. He smiles widely, and you feel a warmth flood your chest. At that time, you hear a strange noise from the sky. You look up and…

Flying above you is Camilo, a Prince of Arbitro. He says that he’s secured the route ahead and that you’re clear to head for the tower. Soldiers from Arbitro are gathered in the sky, keeping the monsters from the tower contained with Camilo in command. He says that once you’ve entered the tower, he and his soldiers will hold fast to protect the ship and the sailors from the monsters. You thank him, relieved to have him along. Then with a thud and a whirl of flapping wings, a black form stands near you. Lucien, another Prince of Arbitro, has joined in the fight. He says that as you are headed into battle, he will also fight. He then looks up, and you can see the sky is filled with not just white wings, but black wings as well. Lucien says there hadn’t been enough people to handle all of this, so he used his rank and influence to gather up more people. Though Lucien’s country has deep-set divisions between those of white and black wings, they have set their differences aside for now given the circumstances and are fighting together. You think this can be seen as a step forward towards a brighter future for Lucien’s people, and the thought moves you. You thank both Camilo and Lucien for rushing to your aid. 

Lucien mentions that Michaela is also in town helping, and then as you hear music from above, you see Adiel as well. Adiel tells Lucien that it’s dangerous to go too far from his troops, but then realizes he was over here talking to you. Adiel waves at you as Lucien flies up to him. The singing, however, is coming from Dulfer. Dulfer pauses, saying he’s not usually inclined to sing on the behalf of men. Camilo says its to bolster the soldiers and that he shouldn’t be complaining. Dulfer counters that he could sing an even more beautiful song if he were singing for you. Adiel chimes in that, while Dulfer says that, his song is bolstering everyone’s fighting spirit. You’re moved by the sight of all the princes working together and helping each other. The winged princes then return to the sky, and you look around at everyone. 

Suddenly, Rosso leans over the edge of the ship. He curses, saying the crystallization is moving faster than he’d expected. As you follow his gaze, you see the crystallization moving to block your path towards the tower. Graysia, having been keeping an eye on the sea, runs over. Rosso says that at this rate, the ship will be stopped before you can get close enough to the tower. Graysia says you’ve already all come so far, and yet…

You all stand frozen, at a loss for words at the sight of the spreading crystallization.

Chapter 5

You all look at the blocked route, vexed. Suddenly, Rosso notices something and points it out. Ahead of you is another ship. Kihel gets excited, asking what that ship could be given that it’s completely surrounded by something. You realize he’s right, and that ship is surrounded by ice rather than crystals. Then you see aboard the ship Iria, Prince of Sorciana, shouting to fire another blast of magic. Miya, his brother, says he’ll take care of the timing, and Synny, youngest Prince of Snowphilia, says he won’t forgive these crystals for defying his orders. At Iria’s command, another blast of magic freezes the area in front of the ship. 

Graysia calls out to Synny, saying he thought Synny was still in town. Synny just says that you’re all late. He then explains that they’d set out to defend the route by freezing the water to stop the crystallization. You didn’t realize they had thought of this occurring and set out ahead of you. Apparently Iria had anticipated this and prepared a force to go on ahead, and Miya says they’re all doing their best to help. Iria shouts to you all to go on ahead and that they’ll handle this. Seeing all of the princes join forces and fighting together makes your heart flutter. 

Then someone shouts out to you, and you see Foia, Prince of Secundati, standing behind Synny and the others. He’s glad that you don’t seem to be hurt. You confirm that you’re fine, but ask after him. Foia says he and everyone else are luckily just fine, then turns to Kalt, another of the Secundati princes. Kalt says he had been afraid that his power would frighten others, but he’ll still do his best to help everyone. You are reminded that Kalt holds an immense amount of ice magic that is often difficult for him to control, so he doesn’t often use it. But here he is, helping everyone else. Foia tells you not to worry, and that his fire magic will melt the ice that’s keeping the crystallization at bay so you can pass through. They’ll protect this route to the end, until you all come back. You thank them, and Foia smiles reassuringly. 

Then the ship grates against the ice, making a jarring noise, and Kihel frantically asks what’s going on. Hanare says the crystallization is moving again. Iria shouts to those on his ship to give one more push, and Miya shouts back that he’s ready to go any time. Foia, Kalt, and Synny are ready to go too. Synny says they’ll hold things down here, so for your group to hurry to the tower. You turn and shout to Rosso, who calls back as he orders the sailors to get moving. The ship picks up speed, heading for the tower. As the ship Iria and the others are on gets further away, Synny calls out to Graysia, saying he absolutely has to protect you. Graysia is shocked at first, but then shouts back that he will. 

With everyone protecting you at your back, you feel a strong sea breeze against your skin as your group moves closer to the tower.

Chapter 6

As you disembark on the crystals, you feel a chill go up your spine that has nothing to do with the cold. You now stand directly under the tower, and you wonder if it’s the power of the shard that’s making it difficult for you to breathe in the ominous presence. Suddenly from behind, you hear a piercing scream. You turn frantically and see a fierce monster bearing down on you. 

Kihel calls out to you, and as the princes draw their weapons to face the incoming monster, a single shadow dispatches the creature. You turn towards the figure, and your breath is taken away.

Ray: “Don’t be spacing out. Did you all lose your nerve now that you’ve made it to the tower?”

You call out to Ray, and as Graysia hears the name, everyone else makes the connection that this is the member of the Dragon Clan that originally used the Heavenly Blue Stone. You see anger flash in Orion’s eyes. However, Ray simply turns a cold gaze towards the princes as they stand at the ready. 

Ray: “You really want to go at it now? Didn’t you all come here to stop the Heavenly Blue Stone from going wild? Even though it was destroyed on the island. You all came to destroy my wish once more, haven’t you?”

You wonder if you’ll have to fight Ray again, and you believe the princes are all thinking the same thing as they pull their weapons, the air growing tense. However, Ray simply lowers his trident.

Ray: “…it’s true that that stone contains my wish. I wanted to get back my people. But the stone was destroyed, and how it’s distorted my original wish and created these monsters. Those things over there…-.”

You see the pain on Ray’s face as he stops speaking.

Ray: “The Dragon Clan were nothing like those monsters. We would never do something like attack a town or hurt those people. You guys can do whatever you want to those damn things.”

Ray’s words are spat out with disgust, then he disappears into the tower.

Rosso calls out to him, but Hanare says it’s too dangerous to chase after him recklessly. Orion agrees, saying the top priority right now is finding the stone. Graysia agrees, but says you all need to be cautious as there’s no knowing what Ray is planning. Carefully, you all step inside the Azure Tower. As you do so, you wonder to yourself what Ray is doing here if he doesn’t intend to stop you. And why did he save you before?

Ray, who had brandished his blade without a moment’s hesitation to have his wish granted on the Azure Isle… That was the very reason his actions now were so mysterious to you.

Chapter 7

You and your group carefully ascend the crooked stairs formed of crystal. If you look up, you can’t see where the stairs ended. At the moment, you have no idea where the shard could be, though you had hoped to find it right away. 

A strange light glows from the crystals in the tower, completely shut off from the blue sky. You find yourself out of breath as you look up, and your feet freeze as you sense an invisible force coming from the tower. Kihel worriedly asks if you’re alright as he notices you lagging behind everyone else. You tell him you’re fine. Kihel says that if you’re tired, he can carry you on his back, or he’s also fine with carrying you in his arms like a princess. You find yourself smiling at Kihel’s usual bright way of speaking. You once again say you’re fine, and that you need to find the fragment as soon as possible. Kihel gives in, but tells you not to push yourself too much. Still smiling, Kihel looks at the stairs, but then you suddenly see that smile fade. You ask him what’s wrong.

Kihel pauses for a moment, thinking, then says that ever since you all entered the tower he’s been feeling a really strong power coming from the entire thing. A kind of ominous energy. You remember that Kihel is a Prince of Atlas, and holds the ability to take people’s dreams. You wonder if that’s why he’s able to feel it so strongly. Kihel then turns the conversation back to Ray, confirming that the Heavenly Blue Stone held wishes. You agree, saying it held Ray’s wish. Kihel pauses, and you see him frown as he’s deep in thought. He then apologizes, saying he was a bit lost in thought. But he then says it’s kind of painful seeing someone’s dreams warped and twisted like this. You think back to what Ray said about the shard distorting his wish, and how his expression seemed twisted with unimaginable anguish. 

Aloud, you say that Ray must have been pained to see this. You wonder if it’s wrong of you to not want him to be pained like that, considering how much suffering he’s caused, and Kihel comments that your wish is for everyone to smile, without suffering, right? You latch on to the word ‘everyone’ and realize that includes Ray as well. Kihel’s eyes are clear, as if he’s trying to tell you exactly that. He then says it’s not wrong to want everyone to smile, and it never will be. You feel encouraged by Kihel’s unwavering gaze.

Then suddenly, the princes ahead of you start to stir. Hanare shouts that something is coming from ahead. You suddenly look up and see monsters materialize out of the crystal walls. Graysia gives the call to attack. The princes ready their weapons and meet the monsters. However, for every one they take down, another appears in its place. Rosso curses, saying there’s no end to them. Orion says they appear to be blocking the path forward. Hanare looks up the stairs, then suddenly turns to you. He says he’ll keep these ones in check and for you and the others to hurry ahead. You try to argue, but he says that even now the town is in danger. You don’t have time to waste. Not to worry though, he can handle this much. Following those words, Rosso fires his gun and one of the monsters falls dead. He chastises Hanare, saying he can’t possibly think to do all that with just a sword. So, Rosso will stay here as well. Orion tries to argue this time, but Rosso says this isn’t hard to understand and that the rest of you just need to hurry ahead. He doesn’t plan on leaving someone behind, so the rest of you better get a move on. 

Graysia gives in, moving the rest of the party ahead. You tell Rosso and Hanare to be careful, and Kihel says they better meet up again safely. Hanare agrees. Then, leaving Hanare and Rosso, you run ahead.

Chapter 8

You finally reach the top of the staircase, which seemed never-ending within the tower. At the summit is an empty, open space, and what you see there takes your breath away. Floating in the center of the room, shining brilliantly in the darkness of the tower, is the fragment of the Heavenly Blue Stone. Kihel is excited at finally having found it. If you remove the fragment from the tower, it should stop the crystallization of the sea. As you step towards it, a piercing cry hits your ears, coming from an unknown source. Graysia shouts for you to get down as an enormous monster erupts from the wall and stands before you. It has characteristics similar to a dragon, though in a grotesque way. You think it’s trying to protect the shard, and Kihel remarks that it won’t be so easy to get to in that case. The monster roars, swinging its claws and causing the floor to shake.

As your balance falters, Orion moves to protect you. His gaze is filled with anger as he stares fixedly on the creature. He says he will not allow any sort of creature to invade his beautiful sea. It is the place where many of his friends were born and raised, and the home of his citizens. He will take back the sea, as one of its protectors. As if responding to Orion’s words, the creature bares its fangs at him. In the next instant, it pulls its claws from the ground and rushes at your group. 

Graysia shouts, summoning a ball of ice with his magic that he flings at the monster, which deflects it with a wing so that it flies into the wall. The sound of steel and fang clashing echoes around the ceiling. Orion shouts to the others that the creature moves fast, and to not get distracted by the shard. Kihel shouts a warning as the creature lifts its tail overhead and swings. Everyone rolls out of the way at the attack. You realize things aren’t going well as you regain your footing, then suddenly a force comes in swiftly and slashes at the monster. It bellows as it staggers back.

Trident planted on the ground, you see Ray has joined the fray. Graysia shouts at him, asking what he’s planning. Ray sighs, then responds that he isn’t planning anything. The wounded monster glares menacingly at Ray. As Ray glares right back at it, you realize that he seems to be standing while putting his weight on the trident. You realize that his wounds from the battle on the island likely haven’t healed yet. So, you ask him why he’s helping your group. Though the shard of the stone has indeed caused some warping, at the core is still Ray’s wish. To yourself, you think that he would naturally want to stop you, however…

Ray: “…I already told you. My people weren’t monsters like this. I won’t tolerate something like this creature being called a dragon. Simple as that…. Ironic, isn’t it. That’ll I’ll be the one to bring this to a close with my own hands.”

You can see the strength Ray musters as he braces against his weapon. His eyes are downcast, but his expression is something else. You can see something beyond simple anger and frustration in his gaze.

Ray: “…the things here are not my revived people. And they are even less the people that I actually wanted to bring back.”

Ray’s eyes are fixed on the creature in front of him, not straying for an instant.

Ray: “This is what was born of my warped wish. My selfish wish… that I wanted granted at the cost of the entire world.” 

You are shocked at his words, and he leaves it at that as he heads towards the monster kicking about on the floor.

Kihel seems to realize that Ray intends to fight with you. Orion doesn’t know if Ray actually had a change of heart, but given his combat ability, he believes Ray will at least be useful. Graysia agrees, and they charge once more together at the rampaging monster. With the addition of Ray, it seems that the princes have gained the upper hand, however…-.

Graysia takes a hit from the monster’s tail as it grows more violent. You call out to him, and he says he’s fine. However, he sways and falls back to his knees when he tries to get back up. As you reflexively lift up your hand against the fight that rages so near, your eyes suddenly land on the shard floating in the air. You believe that if you can do something about the shard, you can help. Stealing yourself, you turn back towards Graysia. You tell him that you need everyone to distract the monster and create an opening so you can rush in to grab the shard. Even as Graysia argues, you say you are the smallest one there. You have the greatest chance of success. Graysia argues that it’s too dangerous, but you say that if you do, you can finally end all of this. You think of everything that’s happened thus far, how everyone created a path for you to get this far and now they’re all believing in you to bring this all to an end. You turn your attention back to Graysia, shouting that with just one more step, you can reach the shard and bring everything back to normal.

 Graysia’s eyes go wide just as you hear the monster cry out in pain. In that instant, you think you see the glow from the shard dim slightly. That’s when Kihel makes a realization. He tells you to direct your prayers in the direction of the fragment. You ask why, and Kihel says he felt your Dream Power weaken the power of the Heavenly Blue Stone. You recall what Graysia had said about you possibly being able to purify the stone, and Graysia shouts to everyone. When you direct your prayers at the stone, they’ll defend you. Kihel says he’ll protect you and won’t let that creature lay a finger on you, and Orion says he won’t let anyone interfere with your prayers. Graysia shouts for you to start praying.

The princes once more face off against the monster. As they do, you take your ring in your hands, and begin. You pray that everyone’s wishes will break through. With eyes closed, your mind is filled with the people and the events that led you to this point. You think back to the events with the crystallizing rain with Rihel, Ruber, Kairi, Thor, and Avi. You think back to the search on the Azure Isle with Julius, Heldt, Akito, Fllayg, and Apollo. No matter what happens, no matter what choices you make, you won’t just sit idly by and let things happen. Not to this world where everyone lives. You pray for the world, for the smiles of the people you hold dear and for the world to go back to those calm and quiet days. You swear that you will bring them back.

In that instant, a powerful light shines from the ring between your fingers, blinding your vision and turning everything white.

Chapter 9

Gradually, the light obstructing your vision fades and you see the monster’s body start to crumble. You suddenly turn and see the floating shard, its light growing weaker and fading. You’re not exactly sure what’s happening, but Kihel thinks that the purification was successful. At that moment, there is a great tremor from deep in the earth, and the entire tower starts to shake. Orion asks in frustration what’s going on now.

Ray: “Hey, run! With its power gone, the tower is starting to collapse!”

Kihel tells you to get going, and you get up, running behind him. However, the floor pitches and cracks open. You lose your footing and feel your body falling into nothingness. Graysia and Kihel call out to you as you fall, their voices drowned out by the sounds of the collapsing tower.


You feel wind moving through your hair, and you come back to consciousness. As soon as you do, you realize you’re flying through the air on the back of something. Looking down, you realize you’re on the back of Ray’s dragon form. 

OO: “! What happened to everyone else…!?”

Ray: “…don’t worry. The rest of your group was saved by those other guys with wings.”

OO: “Thank goodness… …You saved me Ray. Thank you.”

Ray: “…geez.”

He mutters something, as if you were being ridiculous, then he alights on a cliff overlooking the sea. The second you get off his back, he changes into his human form. He looks unsteady, and you realize that he saved you even while overcome with exhaustion.

Ray: “I don’t need your thanks. I’m the villain of this story, the one who caused all this to happen. You should be giving your thanks to the others.”

OO: “But you came along with us this far…-.”

Then, the sound of something massive collapsing echoes in the air around you. You turn and see the tower crumbling, sinking into the sea.

OO: “I wonder if I was able to completely purify the stone…”

Ray: “See for yourself if you’re that worried.”

Saying as much, Ray throws something at you. You look at it closely, and realize it’s the stone shard, completely devoid of light now. You’re relieved that you were able to purify it. As you look up, there isn’t a single trace of the tower left. The crystallization has also started to dissolve, breaking and disappearing amongst the waves. It’s over. The sea is colored by the setting sun, and the light feels so gentle now. You are surrounded by only the sound of the winds.

Ray: “… …I remember.”

Ray suddenly starts speaking, his voice quiet.

OO: “Remember what…?”

Ray: “That quiet life, spent surrounded by the sky. It’s been a while since I remembered it. Even if it’s just a dream, I remember the faces of those dear to me… and I feel like it’s been a very long time since I’ve seen them.”

Ray speaks, little by little, and you see a calmness to him that you’ve never seen before. As his hair flutters in the wind, he seems almost on fire as the light of the setting sun surrounds him.

Ray: “…originally, the Dragon Clan had no desire for war. They were a kind-hearted people. On the days when the weather was bad, we would look down on the world below us, wondering if someone somewhere was sad about it. That’s why I always loved the beautiful clear sky. Everyone was always smiling then. 

You see Ray’s mouth twitch into a small smile as he thinks about the past. You believe that this calm, gentle expression might be a glimpse into who Ray really is.

Ray: “Even if something is taken from me, and I want to get it back, my family wouldn’t have wanted for me to fight like this.”

OO: “Ray…”

His voice is quiet, not harboring anger or even a great sadness.

Ray: “…I don’t regret the things I did. I don’t believe I was wrong to want to bring back the Dragon Clan. But… I don’t think they’d be smiling… if this was how I got them back.”

Ray looks away even as he speaks poorly of himself. The self-deprecating laugh he gives squeezes at your heart as you sense his loneliness.

Suddenly, the shard of the stone in your hand begins to glow faintly. You can feel a faint warmth, and suddenly someone else’s memories flow into your mind.

Horned Girl: “Brother Ray! Are you going to get another flower from the ground?”

Horned Boy: “Brother Fio! Ray came back!”

Fio: “Ah, so he did. Thank you for telling me, Monica, Gido. Ray, are you going off on another trip again? Everyone’s worried since you’re always coming back after dinner… You picked flowers? Geez… alright then. I’ll stop nagging you. But don’t make everyone worry so much… otherwise you won’t get any dinner next time!”

Gido: “Ahaha, Ray got scolded!”

Monica: “It’s alright, if that happens, I’ll save you some bread!”

Fio: “Hey now, there’s no point to the punishment then… Haah, well, whatever. Anyway, just come back safely. That’ll be good enough for me. …welcome back Ray.”

Ray: “…yeah, I’m home.”

The light vanishes, and the glow from the stone fades along with the setting sun. It’s almost as if the shard saved its last bit of energy to show you that final scene. You’re sure that what you just saw was Ray’s daily life, and those days can never be replaced.

Ray: “…I… I just wanted to be under the sky again and spend more time with them.”

Ray looks up to the endless sky, and the brilliance of the sky as it changes from evening to night is reflected in his eyes.


You walk along the beach in the evening glow. After bringing you here, Ray had flown off into the sky somewhere. 

OO: “Ray, wait…-.”

Ray: “… I don’t believe what I did was wrong… but I don’t intend to run away from it.”

You didn’t know what he had meant by that, and the words keep repeating in your heart as you head for the town. Hanare sees you and calls out with Graysia not far behind. You see everyone who had been in the tower rushing over to you. Rosso is glad you’re safe, as is Kihel. Orion asks if you’re hurt, but you assure them you’re fine. When you ask about them, Hanare says everyone made it out in one piece. Seeing them all, you finally let out a sigh of relief. Then you notice a familiar shape among the princes. 

Navi is glad you’ve returned safely, and you scoop him up as he rushes over to you. You ask why he’s there, considering he had been helping the other countries with their restoration projects. Navi says once things were on track, he rushed over to Ancula as he was worried about you accompanying the expedition team. However, he hadn’t expected the events that followed and he ended up missing the team’s departure. Graysia says that when Navi heard they were all searching for you after coming back, Navi had joined in the search. He was incredibly worried after hearing you had been lost in the tower. You search for the right words to say when looking at Navi’s big eyes. 

Then suddenly, Kihel brings you and Navi into a great big hug. Losing your balance, all three of you fall onto the sand. Rosso gets angry, asking Kihel what he thinks he’s doing. Kihel just says he’s really, really glad you’re okay. Meanwhile Navi is slowly being crushed. Graysia just sighs, and Orion tells Kihel not to touch you so casually. He quite easily lifts Kihel off of you. Kihel complains that he was just checking that you were safe. Graysia says he should be able to tell just by looking, not touching. Kihel says that may be true, but he was just so relieved and happy that he couldn’t help himself. After all, weren’t they all worried that you were the only one they couldn’t find? Hanare agrees with this, saying he was very uneasy thinking that something had happened to you.

Everyone is looking at you kindly, and you apologize for worrying all of them. Orion says he doesn’t mind considering you came back safely. Rosso agrees, and follows with the fact that they succeed in protecting the sea and the country too. You ask about the monsters, and Orion says they disappeared with the collapse of the tower. Thankfully, none of the citizens were hurt. Rosso says that Douglas and the soldiers who stayed were able to keep the damage to the town to a minimum as well. Soon, everything should be calm again. After all, the tower that had been threatening everything is now gone.

You look to the sea, and everything appears calm. You say you are truly glad for that, and you thank everyone for their help. It is thanks to them that this final calamity was ended. You’re sure that now, everyone can return to their normal, daily lives. You bow to all of them, and Graysia just smiles, saying you never change. Kihel pipes in that of course everyone putting their strengths together was a factor, but you were the most important person on the team. Rosso agrees, saying that your faith and hope made it so they didn’t lose their way.

Navi is certain that anyone facing each of these calamities one after another would feel their heart start to waver. Even he felt that. However, you continued to hope, and everyone was able to put their faith in you. He tells you that you did well. Navi’s voice is warm and sounds like he’s about to cry. Kihel jumps in then, saying that you are everyone’s hope, and he’s certain you’re the reason they were all able to come so far. 

Orion says you were maybe a little too brave, and that not looking out for yourself is not an admirable quality. Graysia agrees with him completely, remarking on how you were ready to throw yourself into danger in the tower. You know he’s talking about when you had said you’d rush in to grab the shard, but you brush it off, saying you had to do what you could. You were desperate to get everything back. Graysia calls you an idiot, saying that they couldn’t say they had gotten their normal lives back if you hadn’t come back safely. You’re surprised at his words, and everyone nods in agreement. Graysia continues, saying that’s why he’s glad you came back safely. Now, he says, it’s time to go back to your normal lives.

His words were short, but you feel the truth of them in your heart. You realize you actually did it. You protected the world where all the people dear to you live, and finally brought things back to reality. Your heart fills with joy and you nod at Graysia. You agree, it’s time to go back. 

You walk along the beach with everyone, taking the route back to town. The beautiful evening sky spreads out before all of you, all wearing smiles. From now on, you can spend your carefree days in peace. Each time you exchange a ‘welcome back’ and ‘I’m home’ is a new morning. Your gaze slips to the smiles of the people with you.

(I’m home.)

Now that you’ve overcome such hardship, the days that follow will be common and maybe boring, but you know deep in your heart that there is no possible replacement for those days.