Byakuyo has planned a flower-viewing event to see the beautiful cherry blossoms in bloom, and so he invites Apollo, Superbia, and Seras to Koubai. As the pale pink petals dance, a new interplay begins between the princes as they spend a friendly time together, sake cups in hand…-.

The pale pink flower petals danced in the gentle evening breeze…-.

The princes had been invited to Koubai at the request of Byakuyo who was hosting a banquet.

Superbia: “You would make a lovely picture you know. I wonder, do you have any interest in modeling Apollo?”

Apollo: “What are you going on about? Stop staring.”

Superbia: “Your muscle ratio isn’t bad. But your expression is a little stiff.”

Apollo: “…I won’t say it again.”

Apollo frowned in annoyance as Superbia appeared to be appraising him.

Byakuyo: “Come now you two, drink up. I prepared some special sake for tonight’s banquet too. It’s delicious.”

Byakuyo forced his way in with a smile and handed them sake cups, already full.

Beside them, Seras took a sip from his own cup and let out a contented sigh.

Seras: “Yeah, this is truly delicious.”

Superbia: “You know, now that I get a good look at you Seras, you have some potential too. Take off your glasses for a minute.”

Seras: “Oh? Oh dear, you’ve taken notice of my charms. But I’ll have to beg your pardon. Without my glasses I wouldn’t be able to see the cherry blossoms, right?”

Superbia: “You’re not easily won over I see… Well, I’ll let it slide for now. But you have such beautiful eyes; it’s a waste to keep them hidden.”

Seras: “! …is that so? I never expected to receive that kind of compliment. Thanks.”

 Seras’ eyes widened slightly, then he bowed his head as if embarrassed.

Watching the exchange, Byakuyo smiled in delight.

Byakuyo: “Haha, I think they’d both be good models, don’t you?”

Superbia: “Yes… wait, is that the reason you invited me today?”

Byakuyo winked at him, and Superbia turned his attention back to the other two.

Superbia: “Well, you’re right. Apollo would look good with a provocative design, and Seras would match well with a beautiful backdrop. It would also be nice to take their photos in this country, wearing something like what they have on today.”

Byakuyo: “My, what a lovely idea! I can loan you a location if you’d like.”

Apollo: “Don’t go discussing these things on your own.”

Seras: “Haha, it kinda sounds fun.”

 Byakuyo and Superbia eagerly continued with their conversation, and the two prospective models gave completely opposite reactions.

Byakuyo: “Haha, I guess we got a little over excited. I look forward to a photo shoot, but more than anything I would be delighted if you would all come visit again.”

Seras: “I don’t mind. I’ll come again to drink this amazing sake.”

Apollo: “I hadn’t intended to spend any more time with you but…”

Apollo tipped back his sake cup and looked up at the dancing cherry blossoms, an arrogant smile on his face.

Apollo: “The sake and the view here in this country aren’t bad. I’ll come again if the mood strikes me.”

At those words, the princes looked at each other and their expressions relaxed.

Beneath the dark blue night sky, the banquet of the dancing cherry blossoms continued on in peace.