[Memories of Distant Sea Foam] ~Another Story~ After a strange experience in the Distant Country, Hanare, Azume, Riel, and Flu attend a summer festival and come to the place where all the food vendors are set up. As Riel’s eyes sparkle with curiosity, Hanare and Azuma explain the summer festival, even while Flu’s eyes catch on something…-.

Having been invited to the summer festival in Hourai, Land of Four Seasons, Hanare, Azuma, Riel, and Flu walked down the main street lined with stalls.

Riel: “This is amazing. It’s the first time I’ve been to a busy festival like this.”

Flu: “It’s all things I’ve never seen before…”

Hanare: “I’d heard that the summer festival of Hourai was magnificent but… it’s more amazing than I had imagined.”

Riel: “It would have been nice to come with OO.”

Azuma: “You know we couldn’t have asked her to come out with us this late at night. Plus, we’re going around incognito this time.”

Wanting to learn more about what kind of festival the people of Hourai were enjoying…

To grant Riel’s desire, the four princes had arrived together at the place where the summer festival was being held.

Riel: “There really are all sorts of stalls at this festival thing. What’s that ball hanging over there?”

Hanare: “A wind chime. It makes a sound when the wind moves it.”

Flu: “What a pretty sound… I’d like for my siblings to hear it too…”

Flu closed his eyes as a gentle breeze struck the wind chime and filled the air with a pleasant sound.

Azuma: “First should we get something to eat? Things like yakisoba and fried squid are pretty standard fare…”

Hanare: “…I also recommend candied apples and other candied fruit, and shaved ice.”

Riel: “Heh. You two sure know a lot about the Hourai festival.”

Azuma: “That’s because there are similar festival customs in my country. Though this one is far more extravagant.”

Hanare: “It’s similar to the festivals in Koyomi too.”

Riel: “I see. We don’t have festivals with this buzzing atmosphere so I’m glad you’re here to teach me about it.”

Flu: “…”

Hanare: “Flu, is there anything you’re interested in?”

Hanare called to Flu, whose gaze was locked on something a little distance away.

Flu: “No… it’s just, I was wondering what that was…”

Flu tried to speak up as best he could so his voice wasn’t lost to the crowd. He pointed to a shop with cotton candy…-.

Riel: “Wow…! It’s white and fluffy, just like a sheep. Are they selling that too?”

Riel was completely absorbed in what he saw and started to wander off before Azuma lightly tugged on his sleeve.

Azuma: “Don’t go off on your own. It’ll be no easy task to meet up again if we lose site of each other in this crowd.”

Riel: “Ah, sorry. I was just so interested in it.”

Hanare: “That’s cotton candy. It’s good, and sweet.”

Flu: “So it’s food…”

Flu spoke softly as he nodded at Hanare’s explanation.

Flu: “It’s kind of strange… I’ve just met you all… but I feel like we’ve already grown close…”

Riel: “I wonder if it’s because we all shared that fun dream yesterday at the beach?”

 Hanare: “That could be it. My memory of it is kind of hazy… but I think it was a good dream.”

Azuma: “Yeah. I feel like we spent some time getting to know each other.”

Though their memories of their time under the sea were fading, the bonds that had formed between them would not…

The night wind blew around the four princes as they enjoyed themselves at the summer festival, and the wind chime rang in the refreshing breeze.