At Cohen’s invitation, Edmond visits Randalucia, the Land of Passion. Cohen holds a large bouquet of roses when they meet, and Edmond’s eyes open wide. As they discuss the Day of Love in Randalucia, Gary happens to walk by…-.

The town is bathed in the light of the sun, and the scent of roses fills the air…-.

Edmond arrives in Randalucia, the Land of Passion, at the invitation of Cohen, and he squints his eyes against the dazzling sunlight.

Edmond: “…at any rate, when you appeared holding that, I was quite surprised. Is that a gift for someone?”

Cohen: “Indeed, it’s a Day of Love gift. In Randalucia on the Day of Love, a gift of red roses is full of passion.”

Cohen walked beside Edmond in high spirits, holding a very large bouquet of red roses in his arms.

Cohen: “And today, OO is coming. So, I prepared the most exquisite present for my little kitten.”

Gary: “…OO?”

A man with black hair happened to pass by the pair and turned towards them.

Edmond: “Hm? And you are…?”

Gary: “Ah, sorry about that. I just heard a name I recognized…”

Cohen: “Oh, well now, what a coincidence meeting here like this. Prince Edmond, this is an acquaintance of the little kitten… what was your name again?”

Gary: “It’s fine… I’m not someone whose name is worth remembering. Don’t worry about it.”

Sensing something in his tone as he evaded the question, Edmond didn’t ask any further and smiled.

Edmond: “It’s quite a coincidence to meet someone else who knows OO. Prince Cohen was telling us about the splendid celebration of the Day of Love in this country, so he invited myself and OO to visit.”

Gary: “Day of Love…?”

Cohen: “Yes. On the Day of Love, Randalucia is filled with the scent of roses and red flower petals dance about everywhere.”

Cohen looked around the town and spread his arms out as if in a dance as he started to speak with passion.

Cohen: “In the downtown area, people confess their love as emotions flare… it is quite appropriate for the Land of Passion, and it’s the most beautiful sight in the whole world.”

Gary: “I see… that does sound like quite the spectacle.”

Edmond: “You’re as enthusiastic as ever I see, Prince Cohen.”

As the two listened with admiration, Cohen suddenly turned his gaze on them as if having come up with an idea.

Cohen: “Today is a special chance to see the little kitten. Shall I prepare a bouquet of roses for the both of you?”

Gary: “A rose bouquet…?”

Cohen: “Indeed. On a day like this, you are a failure as a man if you don’t have at least one bouquet of flowers.”

Edmond: “Haha, that’s a good idea. I’d like to give OO a present to show all of my gratitude.”

Gary: “Gratitude…”

Gary muttered to himself, thinking things over, then at last he smiled with gentle eyes.

Gary: “…I wouldn’t mind seeing her delighted expression.”

Cohen: “Then it’s decided. I’ll show you the way to my regular florist!”

The three princes walked through the town while red flower petals danced in the air, each holding their own respective feelings in their hearts.