Well that took longer than I’d planned, but Leeya is finally done. I will admit I had some difficulty with Leeya because of his very rough pattern of speech, but that’s not the primary reason he took so long (that’s real-life’s fault).
I also wanted to take my time and really try to get his speech right. The Main Character comments on it more than once, so it seemed like an important part of his character. Don’t get me wrong, other characters like Sky are also rough when they speak, but no one ever really comments on it in the story. That’s what made it seem all the more important for Leeya, and I wanted to do it justice. I also had a REALLY hard time not making him sound Scottish for some reason…
Honestly it was a lot of fun trying to figure out the right colloquialisms or phrases that would really work with his character. My personal favorite is in Ch. 5 where in Japanese he says「 お前、ちょっと頭おかしいんじゃねーのか 」which more literally translates to “You’re a little odd in the head.” But I decided to translate it as “You’ve got a screw loose or somethin’.” Leeya’s story also has one of my favorite scenes so far in all the prince stories I’ve read. It’s in Ch. 5 too, but I won’t spoil it here!
Overall I thought Leeya’s story was a great one to read, and I actually really enjoyed both routes. Typically I’ll have one I favor over the other, but this time around I liked them both. His story is well-developed in my opinion, and it’s nice to see other things happening in a prince story aside from ‘Prince woos Princess cause she exists’. There’s a little of the romancing going on, but we primarily get to see a real bond forming between the two. We get some really good character moments with Leeya, and that I think makes him a really strong character. At least in terms of story. Some of you may not like him, and that’s fine! But he’s definitely in my top ten. And if he happens to make it into your top boys after this, his vanilla version is in the Shard Exchange! If you’ve been pulling the Custom Gacha and getting lots of unnecessary 3-star princes like me, I’m sure you’ve got some shards to throw at him. Anyway, enjoy the story.