Our crimson-eyed ice man is finished, and I wanted to note a couple things.

Firstly, Frost speaks in a very dignified manner. It’s not exactly ‘formal’ Japanese (which makes sense considering Frost is above everyone else anyway in the hierarchy of the castle), but the word choices and manner of speech is still dignified, and I tried to get that across in the translation. 

Second, is an idiom in the story. It’s in the last chapter of the Moon Route story where Frost is talking and he says 煮え湯を飲まされる. This means ‘being made to drink boiling water.’ Now I knew this was an idiom just because… that doesn’t make sense. I decided to leave it in the translation though in the form of a simile. To understand the idiom, I just Googled it and read a survey that says there are two meanings. It initially meant to be betrayed by someone you trust. The other meaning, which is more popular with younger generations, is to be tortured by an enemy. I think the second meaning fits best as he’s talking about something he’s inexperienced with, meaning the idea of ‘betrayal’ doesn’t fit as well as ‘torture’.

Thirdly, I just need to throw up my rant here. I liked Frost, and I still do, but he’s got some issues. He’s like, really possessive? He definitely needs to work on that emotional maturity. Also please do not make out with your lover while they are dying of frost bite rather than treating them. I also wanted to yell at Hime for being stupid, more than once. But that’s nothing new. The absolute worst part is we never got to see Frost doing any snow magic! They didn’t even talk about it! We know the three brothers can, and they have their familiars (like what’s in Frost’s Moon Awakening) and yet! And yet! We got absolutely no magic in this story. For shame Gcrest, for shame.

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