Alright, I’m technically counting this translation as part of August, and I know I said my next one was going to be Toni, but I found Kaine mostly translated in my files and decided I should finish him up first.
I don’t have a lot of notes on Kaine, he was pretty simple. His character has a bit of an issue with being called ‘cute’, and in the Japanese he refers to himself as ボク, or boku, which is a masculine pronoun. I’m not sure why it’s written in katakana rather than the usual kanji, but I assume it’s to emphasize his young age.
Kaine was cute though, not a favorite, but I didn’t not like him. He’s just kind of…meh. But that doesn’t mean he’s not a good character. I’m curious about his Peach event version now, but I probably won’t move it up much higher on my list of stories to read as there are plenty of other guys I like better!