Stimma Notes
Alright, starting off in Vox, here’s Stimma! He’s very much the doting older brother type, so he was kind of fun to read. And after all the depth of Edmond’s story, it was nice to translate a shorter, simpler story…
Read MoreEnglish translations for the Japanese phone game 夢王国と眠れる100人の王子様 aka Yume100
Alright, starting off in Vox, here’s Stimma! He’s very much the doting older brother type, so he was kind of fun to read. And after all the depth of Edmond’s story, it was nice to translate a shorter, simpler story…
Read MoreEdmond’s story is finally finished! I have to admit, I was pretty sure Edmond should have been categorized as a GENTLE type prince instead of PASSION, until the end. Before he’s awakened, Edmond seems pretty docile and gentle, but things…
Read MoreSomething I wanted to work on was figuring out the timeline for the World of Dreams. I was just curious. Originally I made a note of which princes had their stories happening in which month as I translated them, hoping…
Read MoreAlright, finally sat down and got through Toni’s story! I did Toni at this point per a reader’s request, though I had been eyeing him for a while and contemplating when to do his translation. I liked the idea of…
Read MoreAlright, I’m technically counting this translation as part of August, and I know I said my next one was going to be Toni, but I found Kaine mostly translated in my files and decided I should finish him up first.…
Read MoreFinally! First posting after the move out of Japan. I translated Carlo a while ago but I’ve only just had the time to sit and get his story formatted and posted, but that also means I don’t remember much regarding…
Read MoreRight, so, Antares. I was kind of looking forward to translating him, because I like how he looks and I tend to like the SEXY guys, but looks can be deceiving! This is probably the first of the 1-2 star…
Read MoreDespite the fact that I’m not usually a fan of the characters in the CUTE category, I decided to jump in and do Aldebaran, or Al, next. He really does fit the CUTE moniker! He’s not cute in the tiny-adorable…
Read MoreThe next 2-star prince I decided to do was Spica. He had his first event a little while ago with the Oni Village, and that got me curious. I have to say, just like with Sharon, I was pleasantly surprised…
Read MoreThe first 2-star prince story for July is Sharon, our young prince of the desert. I went into this story with…low expectations. Given the story quality for Luke and Medi, the obligatory 1-star princes, I wasn’t expecting much from Sharon.…
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